Artificial Intelligence for Humans, Volume 2: Nature-Inspired Algorithms Paperback
暫譯: 人類的人工智慧,第二卷:自然啟發演算法 平裝本

Jeff Heaton



Nature can be a great source of inspiration for artificial intelligence algorithms because its technology is considerably more advanced than our own. Among its wonders are strong AI, nanotechnology, and advanced robotics. Nature can therefore serve as a guide for real-life problem solving. In this book, you will encounter algorithms influenced by ants, bees, genomes, birds, and cells that provide practical methods for many types of AI situations. Although nature is the muse behind the methods, we are not duplicating its exact processes. The complex behaviors in nature merely provide inspiration in our quest to gain new insights about data. Artificial Intelligence for Humans is a book series meant to teach AI to those readers who lack an extensive mathematical background. The reader only needs knowledge of basic college algebra and computer programming. Additional topics are thoroughly explained. Every chapter also includes a programming example. Examples are currently provided in Java, C#, and Python. Other languages are planned. No knowledge of biology is needed to read this book. With a forward by Dave Snell.


自然可以成為人工智慧演算法的偉大靈感來源,因為其技術遠比我們的技術更為先進。在自然的奇蹟中,有強人工智慧、奈米技術和先進的機器人技術。因此,自然可以作為解決現實問題的指導。在本書中,您將遇到受到螞蟻、蜜蜂、基因組、鳥類和細胞影響的演算法,這些演算法為許多類型的人工智慧情境提供實用的方法。雖然自然是這些方法背後的靈感來源,但我們並不是在複製其精確的過程。自然中的複雜行為僅僅為我們在獲取數據新見解的追求中提供靈感。《人工智慧與人類》是一個旨在教導缺乏廣泛數學背景的讀者學習人工智慧的書籍系列。讀者只需具備基本的大學代數和計算機程式設計知識。其他主題也會進行詳細解釋。每一章節還包括一個程式範例。目前提供的範例語言有 Java、C# 和 Python,未來計劃增加其他語言。閱讀本書不需要生物學知識。本書由 Dave Snell 寫序。