In marketing, you have to get your message in front of the people who are looking for the solution to their problems. Your product or service is important to your customers, but if they do not know about you, they won’t find you. So what do you do to get your product in front of prospective customers? Social media marketing is the number one way to join in with your prospects so that they can get to know you, like you and trust you. It lets them see you and how you handle yourself. Prospects are on the social networks, tweeting about their lunches, posting pictures of kittens and babies on Facebook, pinning on Pinterest and networking on LinkedIn. It may not look like the kind of place that you want to spend any time with your business advertising, but you would be surprised at the results that can be obtained by simply adding social media to your marketing mix. Social Net Effect: Fishing For Prospects With Social Media Marketing is the resource you need to set your social media presence up for success. It will reveal the tricks to proper branding so that your prospects can easily identify with you and how you can help them solve a problem that they are having. Your brand is your identity. Use your brand to unify your message. All social media communication should enforce that brand. If you share kittens, do it from your personal profile, not your business page. That is why it is crucial to create a page for your business, so that when you communicate outside of your branding, you can use your personal profile and communication your brand message using the business page. Gather your prospects. Use Facebook and LinkedIn groups to bring together all of the people that have identified themselves as your ideal prospects. Using these groups, you have the ability to educate your prospects on the benefits of your product or service. Even more important, you should grow an email list of prospects, too, so that you can contact them with special offers when they are away from their social media. Social Net Effect: Fishing For Prospects With Social Media Marketing can help you figure out the best way to tackle these networks. Why buy Social Net Effect: Fishing For Prospects With Social Media Marketing? Using social media marketing will make it possible to brand your business in a variety of ways. In the book, I talk about the social networks that YOU MUST BE ON! I didn’t cover YouTube or any of the video sharing sites, but having a profile and/or page on them for your business will help – as long as you use them to communicate your brand message. I tell you that it will take work… you will need to brand yourself. That means looking at your business and deciding on what your business really is all about. Slapping a brand together is as bad as not having one. The importance of the social networks I do cover will become evident as you dig into the chapters. The whole process of building your brand and marketing it on social media is an evolutionary process. You do not need to throw your message on all networks immediately. Start with one, then add each of the others as your marketing matures. Social Net Effect can help you by showing you how to do your social media branding yourself! I reveal how your social media message can properly convey your brand to the people who need your product and service. This targeted approach is so much more valuable than a disjointed mishmash of messages to people who are not paying attention. This book will give you the knowledge to help you use these social media tools wisely, because your business depends on your message making it to the people who are looking for a solution to the problems that your product or service will solve. As a bonus, I will also give you a guide to social media marketing tools that will help you save time. Go ahead and buy Social Net Effect: Fishing For Prospects With Social Media Marketing and take control of your social media marketing!
在行銷中,您必須將您的訊息傳遞給那些正在尋找解決方案的人。您的產品或服務對客戶來說是重要的,但如果他們不知道您,就無法找到您。那麼,您該如何將產品展示給潛在客戶呢?社交媒體行銷是與潛在客戶互動的最佳方式,讓他們能夠認識您、喜歡您並信任您。這讓他們看到您以及您如何處理自己。潛在客戶活躍於社交網絡上,發推文分享午餐,將小貓和嬰兒的照片發佈到 Facebook,於 Pinterest 上釘選內容,並在 LinkedIn 上進行網絡交流。這可能看起來不是您想要花時間進行商業廣告的地方,但您會驚訝於僅僅將社交媒體納入您的行銷組合所能獲得的結果。《社交網絡效應:利用社交媒體行銷尋找潛在客戶》是您設置社交媒體存在以獲得成功所需的資源。它將揭示正確品牌化的技巧,以便您的潛在客戶能夠輕鬆識別您,以及您如何幫助他們解決所面臨的問題。您的品牌就是您的身份。利用您的品牌來統一您的訊息。所有社交媒體的溝通都應該強化該品牌。如果您分享小貓的內容,請從您的個人資料分享,而不是從您的商業頁面。這就是為什麼創建一個商業頁面至關重要,這樣當您在品牌外進行溝通時,您可以使用個人資料並通過商業頁面傳達您的品牌訊息。聚集您的潛在客戶。利用 Facebook 和 LinkedIn 群組將所有已識別為您理想潛在客戶的人聚集在一起。通過這些群組,您可以教育潛在客戶有關您的產品或服務的好處。更重要的是,您還應該建立潛在客戶的電子郵件名單,以便在他們不在社交媒體上時,能夠聯繫他們並提供特別優惠。《社交網絡效應:利用社交媒體行銷尋找潛在客戶》可以幫助您找出最佳的方式來應對這些網絡。為什麼要購買《社交網絡效應:利用社交媒體行銷尋找潛在客戶》?使用社交媒體行銷將使您能夠以多種方式為您的業務建立品牌。在書中,我談到了您必須參加的社交網絡!我沒有涵蓋 YouTube 或任何視頻分享網站,但在這些平台上擁有個人資料和/或頁面對您的業務會有幫助——只要您用它們來傳達您的品牌訊息。我告訴您,這需要努力……您需要為自己建立品牌。這意味著要審視您的業務並決定您的業務真正是什麼。隨便拼湊一個品牌和沒有品牌一樣糟糕。我所涵蓋的社交網絡的重要性會在您深入各章節時變得明顯。建立您的品牌並在社交媒體上行銷的整個過程是一個演變的過程。您不需要立即將訊息發佈到所有網絡。從一個開始,然後隨著您的行銷成熟,逐步添加其他網絡。《社交網絡效應》可以通過教您如何自己進行社交媒體品牌化來幫助您!我揭示了您的社交媒體訊息如何正確地向需要您產品和服務的人傳達您的品牌。這種針對性的方式比對那些不在意的人發送零散的訊息要有價值得多。這本書將為您提供知識,幫助您明智地使用這些社交媒體工具,因為您的業務依賴於您的訊息能夠傳達給那些正在尋找解決方案的人。作為額外獎勵,我還將提供一份社交媒體行銷工具的指南,幫助您節省時間。快去購買《社交網絡效應:利用社交媒體行銷尋找潛在客戶》,掌控您的社交媒體行銷!