Stock Photography - 3rd Edition (股票攝影 - 第三版)

Blair Howard

  • 出版商: CreateSpace Independ
  • 出版日期: 2014-05-24
  • 售價: $1,150
  • 貴賓價: 9.5$1,093
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 110
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1499601859
  • ISBN-13: 9781499601855
  • 相關分類: 設計攝影 Photograph
  • 海外代購書籍(需單獨結帳)



Welcome to the 3rd Edition of Stock Photography. The book has been substantially updated and compressed, which means we have been able to lower the price. The book now contains new photographs, and a lot more of them, plus an expanded chapter containing in-depth information on how to prep images and get them ready for submission to the stock photo agencies and, most important, how to avoid the dreaded rejections we all get from the reviewers at those agencies. I have sold thousands of photographs online through stock photo agencies, and to the national and international media using the techniques described in this book. I’m going to show you how to use those techniques to take better photographs than you ever thought possible. Ron Leach, publisher of Shutterbug Magazine, in his foreword to the book, says the book "is full of easy-to-follow and effective techniques for improving your photographic skills and marketing your work." I have been making a good living with my camera for more than 30 years. Second only to my wife, my camera is the best friend I’ve ever had. It’s taken me the world over; I’ve stayed at the world’s finest hotels and resorts, played the world’s greatest golf courses, dined in the best restaurants, and lived a very good life; I couldn’t have done it without my trusty Nikon. I shoot photographs for a living, full time. I sell photos for a living, and I do it every day; you can do it too. This book is designed for you folks who would like to learn how take good photographs and make money selling them online to stock photo agencies? You'll learn, not only how to take photographs that will sell, and continue to sell, but you’ll learn how take them consistently and to order. There are 12 steps to becoming a successful stock photographer. Each step is covered in this book, in detail, chapter by chapter. I will take you step-by-step through each technique. I will show you how to take stock photos that will sell and resell, not just now and again, but consistently and to order, and you’ll learn how to sell your photos online. You’ll also learn the art of good composition, how to properly focus your camera to ensure that the image is acceptably sharp from foreground to infinity, and how to properly expose your photograph; all of which is crucial if you want to sell your photos through the online stock photo agencies. Master the techniques you’ll learn in this book and you’ll become a better photographer than you ever thought possible. You WILL be able to shoot good stock photos. In short, you’ll learn how to be a stock photographer.


歡迎來到《股票攝影》第三版。這本書已經進行了大幅更新和壓縮,這意味著我們成功降低了價格。現在的書中包含了新的照片,而且數量更多,還有一個擴展的章節,深入介紹了如何準備圖像並將其提交給股票圖片代理商,最重要的是,如何避免在這些代理商的審查人員那裡遭到可怕的拒絕。我通過股票圖片代理商在線上賣出了成千上萬張照片,並且使用本書中描述的技巧將照片賣給了國內外媒體。我將向您展示如何使用這些技巧拍攝比您想像中更好的照片。《Shutterbug Magazine》的出版商Ron Leach在書的前言中表示,這本書“充滿了易於遵循和有效的技巧,可以提高您的攝影技能並推廣您的作品。”我已經用相機過上了超過30年的好生活。除了我的妻子之外,我的相機是我有過的最好的朋友。它帶我走遍了世界;我住過世界上最好的酒店和度假村,打過世界上最好的高爾夫球場,用餐在最好的餐廳,過著非常美好的生活;如果沒有我可靠的尼康相機,我是無法做到這一切的。我全職從事攝影工作,靠賣照片維生,每天都在進行這項工作;您也可以做到。這本書是為那些想學習如何拍攝好照片並通過在線上向股票圖片代理商出售照片賺錢的人而設計的。您將學習如何拍攝能夠賣出並持續賣出的照片,並且您將學習如何按照要求拍攝照片。成為成功的股票攝影師有12個步驟,每個步驟都在本書中詳細介紹,逐章進行。我將逐步向您展示每個技巧。我將向您展示如何拍攝能夠賣出並重複賣出的股票照片,而不僅僅是偶爾賣出,並且您將學習如何在線上銷售您的照片。您還將學習良好構圖的藝術,如何正確對焦相機以確保從前景到無限遠的圖像都足夠清晰,以及如何正確曝光您的照片;如果您想通過在線上股票圖片代理商銷售照片,這些都是至關重要的。掌握本書中的技巧,您將成為一位比您想像中更好的攝影師。您將能夠拍攝出優質的股票照片。簡而言之,您將學會如何成為一位股票攝影師。