R Graphics, 3/e (Hardcover)

Paul Murrell




This third edition of Paul Murrell’s classic book on using R for graphics represents a major update, with a complete overhaul in focus and scope. It focuses primarily on the two core graphics packages in R - graphics and grid - and has a new section on integrating graphics. This section includes three new chapters: importing external images in to R; integrating the graphics and grid systems; and advanced SVG graphics."

The emphasis in this third edition is on having the ability to produce detailed and customised graphics in a wide variety of formats, on being able to share and reuse those graphics, and on being able to integrate graphics from multiple systems.

This book is aimed at all levels of R users. For people who are new to R, this book provides an overview of the graphics facilities, which is useful for understanding what to expect from R's graphics functions and how to modify or add to the output they produce. For intermediate-level R users, this book provides all of the information necessary to perform sophisticated customizations of plots produced in R. For advanced R users, this book contains vital information for producing coherent, reusable, and extensible graphics functions.


這本保羅·莫雷爾(Paul Murrell)的經典書籍《使用R進行圖形繪製的第三版》是一次重大更新,焦點和範圍進行了全面改版。它主要關注R中的兩個核心圖形套件 - graphics和grid,並新增了一節關於整合圖形的內容。這一節包括三個新章節:將外部圖像導入R;整合圖形和grid系統;以及高級SVG圖形。

