There has been some solid work done in the area of User-Centered Design (UCD) over the last few years. What’s been missing is an in-depth, comprehensive textbook that connects UCD to usability and User Experience (UX) principles and practices. This new textbook discusses a theoretical framework in relation to other design theories. It provides a repeatable, practical process for implementation, offering numerous examples, methods, and case studies for support, and it emphasizes best practices in specific environments, including mobile and web applications, print products, as well as hardware.
近幾年來,在以使用者為中心的設計(User-Centered Design, UCD)領域已經有了一些扎實的研究。然而,缺乏一本深入且全面的教科書,將UCD與可用性(usability)及使用者體驗(User Experience, UX)原則和實踐相連結。這本新教科書討論了一個理論框架,並與其他設計理論相關聯。它提供了一個可重複的實踐過程,並提供了大量的範例、方法和案例研究作為支持,強調在特定環境中的最佳實踐,包括行動應用程式、網頁應用程式、印刷產品以及硬體。