Graphs & Digraphs, 6/e (Hardcover)
暫譯: 圖形與有向圖,第6版(精裝本)

Gary Chartrand, Linda Lesniak, Ping Zhang



Graphs & Digraphs masterfully employs student-friendly exposition, clear proofs, abundant examples, and numerous exercises to provide an essential understanding of the concepts, theorems, history, and applications of graph theory.

Fully updated and thoughtfully reorganized to make reading and locating material easier for instructors and students, the Sixth Edition of this bestselling, classroom-tested text:

  • Adds more than 160 new exercises
  • Presents many new concepts, theorems, and examples
  • Includes recent major contributions to long-standing conjectures such as the Hamiltonian Factorization Conjecture, 1-Factorization Conjecture, and Alspach’s Conjecture on graph decompositions
  • Supplies a proof of the perfect graph theorem
  • Features a revised chapter on the probabilistic method in graph theory with many results integrated throughout the text

At the end of the book are indices and lists of mathematicians’ names, terms, symbols, and useful references. There is also a section giving hints and solutions to all odd-numbered exercises. A complete solutions manual is available with qualifying course adoption.

Graphs & Digraphs, Sixth Edition remains the consummate text for an advanced undergraduate level or introductory graduate level course or two-semester sequence on graph theory, exploring the subject’s fascinating history while covering a host of interesting problems and diverse applications.




- 增加了超過160個新的練習題
- 提出了許多新的概念、定理和例子
- 包含了對長期猜想的近期重大貢獻,如哈密頓分解猜想(Hamiltonian Factorization Conjecture)、1-分解猜想(1-Factorization Conjecture)和Alspach的圖分解猜想
- 提供了完美圖定理的證明
- 特別修訂了有關圖論中概率方法的章節,並在整本書中整合了許多結果

