Enterprise Architecture with Sap: Planning, Management, and Transformation (SAP 企業架構:規劃、管理與轉型)
Das, Anup, Klee, Peter, Reichel, Johannes
Calling all SAP enterprise architects--the strategy guide you need is here! See how the SAP EA Framework and SAP LeanIX support your enterprise architecture with methodology, reference content, tools, and services. Explore examples of architecture design pattern implementation for real-world use cases, including business model transformation, TCO reduction, sustainability, and more. Follow SAP's blueprint to set up your own enterprise architecture practice. Get best practices, expert tips, full-color architecture diagrams, and more!
In this book, you'll learn about:
a. Fundamentals
Learn the basics of enterprise architecture within SAP landscapes. Walk through SAP EA Framework and understand its integration with ancillary business functions such as process, portfolio, and application management.
b. Use Cases
See enterprise architecture transformation at work! Practical use cases showcase how architecture patterns can be used to solve design problems in various business scenarios: cloud transformation, sustainability, automation, and more.
c. Implementation
Launch your own enterprise architecture transformation. Following guidance from the experts, create or improve your practice by setting up roles, processes, and deliverables. Use tools such as SAP LeanIX and SAP Signavio to support your transformation.
Highlights include:
1) SAP EA Framework
2) SAP EA Methodology
3) SAP EA Designer
4) SAP LeanIX
5) Business function integration
6) Reference content
7) Enterprise architecture practices
8) Cloud transformation
9) Business process transformation
10) Sustainability
11) Mergers, acquisitions, and divestures
呼籲所有 SAP 企業架構師——您所需的策略指南已經到來!了解 SAP EA Framework 和 SAP LeanIX 如何透過方法論、參考內容、工具和服務來支持您的企業架構。探索實際案例中架構設計模式的實施範例,包括商業模式轉型、總擁有成本(TCO)降低、可持續性等。遵循 SAP 的藍圖來建立您自己的企業架構實踐。獲取最佳實踐、專家建議、全彩架構圖等更多內容!
a. 基礎知識
了解 SAP 環境中的企業架構基礎。深入了解 SAP EA Framework 及其與流程、投資組合和應用管理等輔助業務功能的整合。
b. 使用案例
c. 實施
啟動您自己的企業架構轉型。根據專家的指導,通過設置角色、流程和交付物來創建或改善您的實踐。使用 SAP LeanIX 和 SAP Signavio 等工具來支持您的轉型。
1) SAP EA Framework
2) SAP EA Methodology
3) SAP EA Designer
4) SAP LeanIX
5) 業務功能整合
6) 參考內容
7) 企業架構實踐
8) 雲端轉型
9) 業務流程轉型
10) 可持續性
11) 合併、收購和剝離