Overcoming It Complexity: Simplify Operations, Enable Innovation, and Cultivate Successful Cloud Outcomes

Atchison, Lee



The cloud promises cost savings, agility, and more. But the increasing complexity of modern IT systems often prevents businesses from realizing the outcomes they sought by moving to the cloud in the first place. At the core of this complexity is technical debt. Ad hoc decisions, traditional approaches, and quick and dirty solutions add up to fragile, more complex systems (and organizations)--reducing the pace of change, driving up costs, and degrading security. To succeed in the cloud, you first have to manage the problems IT complexity creates. This practical guide will help.

If you're tasked with designing, delivering, or approving IT systems that support business growth, this book will teach you the principles and strategies you need to break out of silos, reassess traditional thinking, provide the business a better competitive position, and achieve cloud success across the company.

You'll learn:

  • How to assess your current IT environment to identify complexity-centered risks
  • How to structure cross-functional teams to reduce friction points
  • How to create a framework for IT investments thatâ s aligned with your business goals
  • How to measure your outcomes for continued success





- 如何評估您目前的IT環境以識別以複雜性為中心的風險
- 如何組織跨職能團隊以減少摩擦點
- 如何建立與您的業務目標相一致的IT投資框架
- 如何衡量您的成果以持續取得成功


Lee Atchison is a recognized industry thought leader in cloud computing, and the author of the best selling book Architecting for Scale, published by O'Reilly Media, currently in its second edition. Lee has 34 years of industry experience, including eight years at New Relic and sever years at Amazon.com and AWS, where he led the creation of the company's first software download store, created AWS Elastic Beanstalk, and managed the migration of Amazon's retail platform to a new service-based architecture. Lee has consulted with leading organizations on how to modernize their application architectures and transform their organizations at scale. Lee is an industry expert and is widely quoted in publications such as and DZone. He has been a featured speaker at events across the glove from London to Sydney, Tokyo to Paris, and all over North America. LinkedIn profile: https: //www.linkedin.com/in/leeatchison/

Mark Menger is a Solution Architect for F5 in North America with an emphasis on automation, microservices, and application delivery. Mark has over twenty years of industry experience, spanning application development, systems administration, enterprise architecture, and operations management. Throughout his career, Mark has routinely been acknowledged for combining an eclectic palette of inspiration, strong technical knowledge, a passion for innovation, and an eye for customer value.

As an application developer, Mark drove the early adoption of loosely coupled architectures using HTTP, anticipating REST and GraphQL interfaces by a decade. As an enterprise architect, Mark established the use of agile delivery practices, reconciled with the rigor of IT service management. He also drove the adoption of service-orientated and event-driven architectures with a focus on loose coupling and solution reuse. As an IT operations manager, Mark brought Lean IT practices to platform delivery, driving order of magnitude shifts in speed, quality, and security of customer solutions.


Lee Atchison是雲端運算領域的知名思想領袖,也是暢銷書《Architecting for Scale》的作者,該書由O'Reilly Media出版,目前已出版第二版。Lee擁有34年的行業經驗,其中包括在New Relic工作八年,在Amazon.com和AWS工作七年。在Amazon期間,他領導了公司首個軟體下載商店的建立,創建了AWS Elastic Beanstalk,並負責將Amazon的零售平台遷移到新的服務架構上。Lee曾與領先的組織合作,協助其現代化應用架構並實現規模化轉型。Lee是業界專家,在《DZone》等出版物中廣受引用。他曾在倫敦、悉尼、東京、巴黎以及北美各地的活動中擔任特邀演講嘉賓。LinkedIn個人資料: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leeatchison/

Mark Menger是F5在北美的解決方案架構師,專注於自動化、微服務和應用交付。Mark擁有超過二十年的行業經驗,涵蓋應用程式開發、系統管理、企業架構和運營管理等領域。在他的職業生涯中,Mark經常因結合多元的靈感、強大的技術知識、對創新的熱情和對客戶價值的敏銳洞察力而受到認可。
