Bash Idioms: Write Powerful, Flexible, Readable Shell Scripts

Albing, Carl, Vossen, Jp

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2022-04-19
  • 定價: $1,800
  • 售價: 8.0$1,440
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 167
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1492094757
  • ISBN-13: 9781492094753
  • 相關分類: Command Line
  • 立即出貨




Shell scripts are everywhere, especially those written in bash compatible syntax, and it's extremely useful to be able to understand and write them, but they can be complex and obscure. Complexity is the enemy of security, but it's also the enemy of readability and understanding. With this practical book, you'll learn how to decipher old bash code and write new code that's as clear and readable as possible. Your future you will thank you.

Authors Carl Albing and JP Vossen show you how to use the power and flexibility of the shell to your advantage. You'll learn how to read and write scripts like an expert, so that you can:

  • Write useful, flexible, and readable bash code...with style
  • Decode bash code such as ${MAKEMELC, } and ${PATHNAME##*/}
  • Save time and ensure consistency when automating tasks
  • Amaze and impress colleagues with bash idioms
  • Discover how bash idioms can make your code clean and concise



作者Carl Albing和JP Vossen向你展示如何充分利用shell的強大靈活性。你將學習如何像專家一樣閱讀和撰寫腳本,以便你可以:

- 以風格撰寫有用、靈活和易讀的bash代碼
- 解碼bash代碼,例如${MAKEMELC}和${PATHNAME##*/}
- 在自動化任務時節省時間並確保一致性
- 以bash慣用語法令同事驚嘆和印象深刻
- 發現bash慣用語法如何使你的代碼乾淨而簡潔


Carl Albing is a professor, researcher, and software engineer with a breadth of industry experience. A co-author of O'Reilly's bash Cookbook, and Cybersecurity Ops with bash, as well as the author of O'Reilly's Great bash video, Carl has worked in software (using bash and many other languages) for companies large and small, across a variety of industries. He has a B.A. in Mathematics, a Masters in International Management (M.I.M.), and a Ph.D. in Computer Science.

JP Vossen has been working with computers since the early 80s and has been in the IT industry since the early 90s, specializing in Information Security since the late 90s. He's been fascinated with scripting and automation since he first understood what an autoexec.bat was, and was delighted to discover the power and flexibility of bash and GNU on Linux in the mid-90s. He has previously written for Information Security Magazine and, among others. On those few occasions when he's not in front of a computer, he is usually taking something apart, putting something together, or both.


Carl Albing是一位教授、研究員和軟體工程師,擁有廣泛的行業經驗。他是O'Reilly的《bash Cookbook》和《Cybersecurity Ops with bash》的合著者,也是O'Reilly的《Great bash video》的作者。Carl在各種行業的大大小小公司中從事軟體開發(使用bash和其他多種語言)。他擁有數學學士學位、國際管理碩士學位(M.I.M.)和計算機科學博士學位。

JP Vossen自80年代初開始使用電腦,自90年代初開始從事IT行業,專注於資訊安全自90年代末。他對腳本和自動化從他第一次理解autoexec.bat時就深感興趣,並在90年代中期發現了bash和GNU在Linux上的強大靈活性。他曾為《Information Security Magazine》和SearchSecurity.com等媒體撰寫文章。在他不在電腦前的少數時間裡,他通常在拆解東西、組裝東西,或者兩者兼而有之。