Head First Git: A Learner's Guide to Understanding Git from the Inside Out (Paperback)
暫譯: 深入淺出 Git:從內部理解 Git 的學習指南 (平裝本)

Gandhi, Raju



What will you learn from this book?

Many people who use Git rely on "recipes"—basic copy-paste commands—without understanding how this version control system actually works. But what do you do if you find yourself in a tight spot? You can't simply wing it. With this unique hands-on guide, you'll learn valuable ways to use Git in many different situations. Raju Gandhi peels back the layers to reveal the simple yet powerful engine that powers Git, with activities that help you truly understand this crucial tool as you get it up and running. You’ll master branches, tags, stashes, and merges; learn best practices; collaborate with your team; and unlock the full potential of Git.

What’s so special about this book?

If you've read a Head First book, you know what to expect—a visually rich format designed for the way your brain works. If you haven't, you're in for a treat. With this book, you’ll learn Git through a multi-sensory experience that engages your mind, rather than a text-heavy approach that puts you to sleep.



許多使用 Git 的人依賴「食譜」——基本的複製粘貼命令——而不理解這個版本控制系統實際上是如何運作的。但如果你發現自己處於困境中該怎麼辦?你不能僅僅隨便應對。通過這本獨特的實作指南,你將學會在許多不同情況下有效使用 Git。Raju Gandhi 逐層剖析,揭示了驅動 Git 的簡單而強大的引擎,並提供幫助你真正理解這個關鍵工具的活動,讓你能夠順利啟動和運行。你將掌握分支、標籤、暫存和合併;學習最佳實踐;與團隊協作;並釋放 Git 的全部潛力。


如果你讀過 Head First 系列的書籍,你就知道該期待什麼——一種視覺豐富的格式,設計符合你大腦的運作方式。如果你還沒有讀過,那你將會有一個驚喜。通過這本書,你將通過多感官的體驗來學習 Git,這種方式能夠吸引你的思維,而不是一種讓你昏昏欲睡的文字密集型方法。


Raju has long been in the pursuit of hermeticism across the development stack by championing immutability during development (with languages like Clojure), deployment (leveraging tools like Docker and Kubernetes), and provisioning and configuration via code (toolkits like Ansible, Terraform, Packer, everything-as-code).Raju is also the author of JavaScript Next: Your Complete Guide to the New Features Introduced in JavaScript, Starting from ES6 to ES9, Apress, October 2019.


Raju 長期以來一直在追求開發堆疊中的密封性,通過在開發過程中倡導不可變性(使用像 Clojure 這樣的語言)、在部署過程中利用工具(如 Docker 和 Kubernetes),以及通過代碼進行供應和配置(使用像 Ansible、Terraform、Packer 這樣的工具包,實現一切皆代碼)。Raju 也是《JavaScript Next: Your Complete Guide to the New Features Introduced in JavaScript, Starting from ES6 to ES9》的作者,該書於 2019 年 10 月由 Apress 出版。