Cloud Native Infrastructure with Azure: Building and Managing Cloud Native Applications (Paperback)

Singh, Nishant, Kehoe, Michael

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2022-03-22
  • 定價: $2,270
  • 售價: 8.0$1,816
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 322
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1492090964
  • ISBN-13: 9781492090960
  • 相關分類: Microsoft Azure
  • 立即出貨 (庫存=1)




The cloud is becoming the de facto home for companies ranging from enterprises to startups. Moving to the cloud means moving your applications from monolith to microservices. But once you do, maintaining and running these services brings its own level of complexity. The answer? Modularity, deployability, observability, and self-healing capacity through cloud native development.

With this practical book, Nishant Singh and Michael Kehoe show you how to build a true cloud native infrastructure on Microsoft Azure, following guidelines from the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). DevOps and site reliability engineers will learn how adapting applications to cloud native early in the design phase helps you fully utilize the elasticity and distributed nature of the cloud.

Chapters include:

  • Introduction: Why Cloud Native?
  • Infrastructure as Code: Setting Up the Gateway
  • Containerizing Your Application: More Than Boxes
  • Kubernetes: The Grand Orchestrator
  • Creating a Kubernetes Cluster on Azure
  • Observability: Following the Breadcrumbs
  • Service Discovery and Service Mesh: Finding New Territories and Crossing Borders
  • Networking and Policy Management: Behold the Gatekeepers
  • Distributed Databases and Storage: The Central Bank
  • Getting the Message
  • Serverless



在這本實用書中,Nishant Singh和Michael Kehoe向您展示如何在Microsoft Azure上建立真正的雲原生基礎架構,遵循Cloud Native Computing Foundation(CNCF)的指南。DevOps和網站可靠性工程師將學習如何在設計階段早期將應用程式適應雲原生,以充分利用雲端的彈性和分散性。


- 簡介:為什麼要雲原生?
- 基礎架構即程式碼:設置閘道
- 將應用程式容器化:不僅僅是容器
- Kubernetes:大型編排器
- 在Azure上建立Kubernetes叢集
- 可觀察性:跟隨麵包屑
- 服務發現和服務網格:尋找新領域和跨越邊界
- 網路和策略管理:瞧,看門人
- 分散式資料庫和儲存:中央銀行
- 傳遞訊息
- 無伺服器


Nishant Singh is a Site Reliability Engineer at LinkedIn, where he works toward improving the reliability of the site with a focus on reducing MTTD & MTTR of incidents. Prior to joining LinkedIn, he worked at companies like PayTM and Gemalto as a DevOps Engineer, spending his time building custom solutions for clients and managing, maintaining services over public cloud.

Michael is a Senior Staff Site Reliability Engineer at LinkedIn. While previously working on Incident Response, Disaster Recovery, Visibility Engineering & Reliability Principles, he is now leading an effort to migrate to the cloud. He is currently a lead for LinkedIn's migration to Microsoft Azure. Michael specializes in maintaining large system infrastructure as demonstrated by his work at LinkedIn (applications, automation & infrastructure) and at The University of Queensland (networks). He has also spent time building small satellites at NASA and writing thermal environments software at Rio Tinto.


Nishant Singh是LinkedIn的網站可靠性工程師,他致力於提高網站的可靠性,專注於減少事件的平均修復時間(MTTD)和平均修復時間(MTTR)。在加入LinkedIn之前,他曾在PayTM和Gemalto等公司擔任DevOps工程師,為客戶建立定制解決方案,並管理和維護公共雲服務。

Michael是LinkedIn的高級網站可靠性工程師。在之前的工作中,他負責事件應對、災難恢復、可見性工程和可靠性原則,現在他正帶領一項遷移到雲端的工作。他目前是LinkedIn遷移到Microsoft Azure的領導者。Michael擅長維護大型系統基礎設施,這在他在LinkedIn(應用程序、自動化和基礎設施)和昆士蘭大學(網絡)的工作中得到了證明。他還在NASA建造小型衛星,並在Rio Tinto撰寫熱環境軟件。