Hands-On Data Visualization: Interactive Storytelling from Spreadsheets to Code (Paperback)
暫譯: 實作數據視覺化:從電子表格到程式碼的互動敘事

Jack Dougherty, Ilya Ilyankou


Tell your story and show it with data, using free and easy-to-learn tools on the web. This introductory book teaches you how to design interactive charts and customized maps for your website, beginning with simple drag-and-drop tools such as Google Sheets, Datawrapper, and Tableau Public. You'll also gradually learn how to edit open source code templates like Chart.js, Highcharts, and Leaflet on GitHub.

Hands-On Data Visualization takes you step-by-step through tutorials, real-world examples, and online resources. This practical guide is ideal for students, nonprofit organizations, small business owners, local governments, journalists, academics, and anyone who wants to take data out of spreadsheets and turn it into lively interactive stories. No coding experience is required.

  • Build interactive charts and maps and embed them in your website
  • Understand the principles for designing effective charts and maps
  • Learn key data visualization concepts to help you choose the right tools
  • Convert and transform tabular and spatial data to tell your data story
  • Edit and host Chart.js, Highcharts, and Leaflet map code templates on GitHub
  • Learn how to detect bias in charts and maps produced by others


告訴你的故事並用數據展示它,使用網路上免費且易於學習的工具。本書是一本入門書,教你如何為你的網站設計互動式圖表和自訂地圖,從簡單的拖放工具開始,例如 Google Sheets、Datawrapper 和 Tableau Public。你還將逐步學習如何在 GitHub 上編輯開源代碼模板,如 Chart.js、Highcharts 和 Leaflet。


- 建立互動式圖表和地圖並嵌入到你的網站中
- 理解設計有效圖表和地圖的原則
- 學習關鍵的數據視覺化概念,以幫助你選擇合適的工具
- 轉換和轉化表格數據和空間數據,講述你的數據故事
- 在 GitHub 上編輯和託管 Chart.js、Highcharts 和 Leaflet 地圖代碼模板
- 學習如何檢測他人製作的圖表和地圖中的偏見


Jack Dougherty is a Professor of Educational Studies at Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut. Professor Dougherty has taught data visualization to undergraduates at Trinity College and to thousands of participants in a global online course. He and his students have partnered with dozens of non-profit organizations, journalists, and researchers to help tell their data stories on the web.

Ilya Ilyankou is an Independent Technologist. Ilya has been working with CTData Collaborative to build data visualization and data exploration tools for Connecticut for two years. He studied Computer Science and Studio Arts at Trinity College, Hartford.


傑克·道赫提(Jack Dougherty)是康乃狄克州哈特福德的三一學院(Trinity College)教育研究教授。道赫提教授曾在三一學院教授數據視覺化課程,並且為全球在線課程的數千名參與者授課。他和他的學生與數十個非營利組織、記者和研究人員合作,幫助他們在網路上講述數據故事。

伊利亞·伊良考(Ilya Ilyankou)是一位獨立技術專家。伊利亞在過去兩年中與CTData Collaborative合作,為康乃狄克州建立數據視覺化和數據探索工具。他在三一學院(Trinity College)學習計算機科學和藝術設計。