High Performance MySQL: Proven Strategies for Operating at Scale, 4/e (Paperback)
暫譯: 高效能 MySQL:可擴展運作的驗證策略,第4版(平裝本)

Botros, Silvia, Tinley, Jeremy



How can you realize MySQL's full power? With High Performance MySQL, you'll learn advanced techniques for everything from choosing the right abstraction layer for databases to designing schemas, indexes, and queries to tuning your server, operating system, and hardware to achieve their full potential. This guide also teaches database administrators safe and practical ways to scale applications through replication, load balancing, high availability, and failover.

Updated to reflect recent advances in cloud- and self-hosted MySQL, InnoDB performance, features, and tools, this revised edition helps you design a data platform that will scale with your business. You'll learn the latest in cloud-hosted MySQL offerings, best practices for database security, and hard-earned lessons in both performance and database stability.

  • Dive into MySQL's architecture, including key facts about its storage engines
  • Learn how server configuration works with your hardware and deployment choices
  • Make query performance part of your software delivery process
  • Examine enhancements to MySQL's replication and high availability
  • Compare different MySQL offerings in managed cloud environments
  • Explore MySQL's full stack optimization from application-side configuration to server tuning
  • Turn traditional database management tasks into automated processes


如何充分發揮 MySQL 的潛力?透過《High Performance MySQL》,您將學習從選擇適合的資料庫抽象層到設計架構、索引和查詢,再到調整伺服器、作業系統和硬體以達到其最大潛能的進階技術。本指南還教導資料庫管理員透過複製、負載平衡、高可用性和故障轉移等安全且實用的方法來擴展應用程式。

本修訂版更新了雲端和自我託管 MySQL、InnoDB 性能、功能和工具的最新進展,幫助您設計一個能隨著業務擴展的資料平台。您將學習雲端託管 MySQL 產品的最新資訊、資料庫安全的最佳實踐,以及在性能和資料庫穩定性方面的寶貴經驗教訓。

- 深入了解 MySQL 的架構,包括其儲存引擎的關鍵事實
- 學習伺服器配置如何與您的硬體和部署選擇協同運作
- 使查詢性能成為您的軟體交付過程的一部分
- 檢視 MySQL 的複製和高可用性的增強功能
- 比較不同的 MySQL 產品在管理雲環境中的表現
- 探索 MySQL 的全堆疊優化,從應用程式端配置到伺服器調整
- 將傳統的資料庫管理任務轉變為自動化過程


Silvia Botros is a Senior Principal Engineer at Twilio. During her time at SendGrid, she helped deploy and maintain various MySQL datastores that support the mail pipeline and other products that SendGrid offers and to drive MySQL designs from inception to production.

Jeremy Tinley is a Senior Staff Engineer at Etsy, with over 20 years of MySQL experience. Throughout his career, he has managed tens of thousands of MySQL instances with an eye towards availability, reliability, and operational efficiency.


Silvia Botros 是 Twilio 的高級首席工程師。在她於 SendGrid 工作期間,她協助部署和維護多個 MySQL 數據存儲,這些存儲支持郵件管道及 SendGrid 提供的其他產品,並推動 MySQL 設計從概念到生產的過程。

Jeremy Tinley 是 Etsy 的高級技術工程師,擁有超過 20 年的 MySQL 經驗。在他的職業生涯中,他管理了數萬個 MySQL 實例,專注於可用性、可靠性和運營效率。