Spring Boot: Up and Running: Building Cloud Native Java and Kotlin Applications (Spring Boot:快速上手:構建雲原生的 Java 和 Kotlin 應用程式)

Heckler, Mark




With over 75 million downloads per month, Spring Boot is the most widely used Java framework available. Its ease and power have revolutionized application development from monoliths to microservices. Yet Spring Boot's simplicity can also be confounding. How do developers learn enough to be productive immediately? This practical book shows you how to use this framework to write successful mission-critical applications.

Mark Heckler from VMware, the company behind Spring, guides you through Spring Boot's architecture and approach, covering topics such as debugging, testing, and deployment. If you want to develop cloud native Java or Kotlin applications with Spring Boot rapidly and effectively--using reactive programming, building APIs, and creating database access of all kinds--this book is for you.

  • Learn how Spring Boot simplifies cloud native application development and deployment
  • Build reactive applications and extend communication across the network boundary to create distributed systems
  • Understand how Spring Boot's architecture and approach increases developer productivity and application portability
  • Deploy Spring Boot applications for production workloads rapidly and reliably
  • Monitor application and system health for optimal performance and reliability
  • Debug, test, and secure cloud-based applications painlessly


Spring Boot是目前最廣泛使用的Java框架,每月下載量超過7500萬次。它的易用性和強大功能從傳統的單體應用程式到微服務的應用程式開發帶來了革命性的變革。然而,Spring Boot的簡單性有時也會讓人感到困惑。開發人員如何學習足夠的知識以立即提高生產力?這本實用的書籍將向您展示如何使用這個框架來撰寫成功的關鍵任務應用程式。

VMware的Mark Heckler將引導您了解Spring Boot的架構和方法,包括調試、測試和部署等主題。如果您想要快速有效地使用Spring Boot開發雲原生的Java或Kotlin應用程式,並使用反應式編程、建立API和創建各種類型的資料庫存取,這本書就是為您而寫的。

- 學習Spring Boot如何簡化雲原生應用程式的開發和部署
- 構建反應式應用程式,並擴展跨網路邊界的通訊,創建分散式系統
- 了解Spring Boot的架構和方法如何提高開發人員的生產力和應用程式的可移植性
- 快速可靠地部署Spring Boot應用程式以應對生產工作負載
- 監控應用程式和系統健康狀態,以實現最佳性能和可靠性
- 輕鬆進行基於雲端的應用程式的調試、測試和安全性保護


Mark Heckler is a Professional Problem Solver and Spring Developer & Advocate at Pivotal, conference speaker, published author, & Java Champion focusing upon developing innovative production-ready software at velocity for the Cloud. He has worked with key players in the manufacturing, retail, medical, scientific, telecom, and financial industries and various public sector organizations to develop and deliver critical capabilities on time and on budget. Mark is an open source contributor and author/curator of a developer-focused blog (https: //www.thehecklers.com) and an occasionally interesting Twitter account (@mkheck).

For the past 4+ years, Mark has worked with various Spring projects within Pivotal (including Framework, Boot, Data, Integration, Cloud, Security, & more) and has contributed code and guides toward their improvement and ease of use, as well has having delivered countless sessions, deep dives, and workshops to Spring customers and developer community members worldwide.


Mark Heckler 是一位專業的問題解決者,也是 Pivotal 公司的 Spring 開發者和倡導者,同時也是一位會議演講者、已出版的作者和 Java Champion。他專注於以高速開發創新的生產就緒軟體,並將其部署在雲端上。他曾與製造、零售、醫療、科學、電信和金融等行業的重要參與者以及各種公共部門組織合作,按時按預算開發和交付關鍵能力。Mark 是一位開源貢獻者,也是一個以開發者為專注的部落格 (https://www.thehecklers.com) 的作者/策展人,並且有一個偶爾有趣的 Twitter 帳號 (@mkheck)。

在過去的四年多時間裡,Mark 在 Pivotal 公司的各種 Spring 專案中工作(包括 Framework、Boot、Data、Integration、Cloud、Security 等),並為它們的改進和使用便利性做出了貢獻,同時也向全球的 Spring 客戶和開發者社區成員提供了無數的會議、深度探討和工作坊。