WordPress : The Missing Manual: The Book That Should Have Been in the Box, 3/e (Paperback)
暫譯: WordPress:缺失的手冊:應該隨盒子附上的書,第三版(平裝本)
MacDonald, Matthew
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Whether you're a budding blogger or seasoned web designer, WordPress is a brilliant tool for creating websites--once you know how to tap into its impressive features. The latest edition of this jargon-free Missing Manual shows you how to use WordPress 5.0's themes, widgets, and plug-ins to build just about any kind of site.
The important stuff you need to know:
- Setting up WordPress. Configure WordPress on your web host or get it running on your home computer.
- Create your site. Get hands-on instructions for building all types of websites, from blogs to business sites with ecommerce features.
- Mix in multimedia. Add picture galleries, slideshows, video clips, music players, and podcasts.
- Add features. Select from thousands of plug-ins to enhance your site's capabilities, from contact forms to a basic shopping cart.
- Build a truly unique site. Customize a WordPress theme to create a site that looks exactly the way you want.
- Attract an audience. Use SEO, site statistics, and social sharing to reach more people.
- Stay safe. Use backup and staging tools to protect your content and avoid catastrophe.
無論您是新手部落客還是資深網頁設計師,WordPress 都是一個出色的網站創建工具——只要您知道如何利用其強大的功能。本書最新版本的《Missing Manual》以簡明易懂的方式向您展示如何使用 WordPress 5.0 的主題、工具和外掛來建立各種網站。
- **設置 WordPress。** 在您的網頁主機上配置 WordPress,或在您的家用電腦上運行它。
- **創建您的網站。** 獲得實用的指導,建立各種類型的網站,從部落格到具有電子商務功能的商業網站。
- **混合多媒體。** 添加圖片庫、幻燈片、視頻片段、音樂播放器和播客。
- **添加功能。** 從數千個外掛中選擇,以增強您網站的功能,從聯絡表單到基本的購物車。
- **建立真正獨特的網站。** 自訂 WordPress 主題,創建一個完全符合您需求的網站。
- **吸引觀眾。** 使用 SEO、網站統計和社交分享來接觸更多人群。
- **保持安全。** 使用備份和測試工具來保護您的內容,避免災難。
Matthew MacDonald is a science and technology writer with well over a dozen books to his name. He's particularly known for his books about building websites, which include a do-it-from-scratch tutorial (Creating a Website: The Missing Manual), a look at cutting-edge HTML5 (HTML5: The Missing Manual), and a WordPress primer (WordPress: The Missing Manual). He's also written a series of books about programming on and off the Web with .NET, teaches programming at Ryerson University, and is a three-time Microsoft MVP.
In everyday life, Matthew is endlessly amazed by the odd, unusual, and just plain bonkers workings of the natural world. Those who don't have tech problems to solve can check out Matthew MacDonald's science books, where he debugs the quirks and complexities of the human brain (Your Brain: The Missing Manual) and body (Your Body: The Missing Manual). Both books include a mash-up of full-color pictures, trivia, and philosophical head-scratchers. Matthew lives in Toronto, with his wife and two daughters.
馬修·麥克唐納(Matthew MacDonald)是一位科學與技術作家,著作超過十本。他特別以撰寫有關建立網站的書籍而聞名,包括一本從零開始的教程(《創建網站:缺失的手冊》)、一本關於尖端 HTML5 的書(《HTML5:缺失的手冊》)以及一本 WordPress 入門書(《WordPress:缺失的手冊》)。他還撰寫了一系列有關在網路上和離線使用 .NET 進行程式設計的書籍,並在萊爾森大學教授程式設計,還是三屆微軟 MVP。