Blueprints for Text Analytics Using Python: Machine Learning-Based Solutions for Common Real World (Nlp) Applications (Paperback)

Albrecht, Jens, Ramachandran, Sidharth, Winkler, Christian




Turning text into valuable information is essential for many businesses looking to gain a competitive advantage. There have been many improvements in natural language processing and users have a lot of options when choosing to work on a problem. However, it's not always clear which NLP tools or libraries would work for a business use--or which techniques you should use and in what order.

This practical book provides theoretical background and real-world case studies with detailed code examples to help developers and data scientists obtain insight from text online. Authors Jens Albrecht, Sidharth Ramachandran, and Christian Winkler use blueprints for text-related problems that apply state-of-the-art machine learning methods in Python.

If you have a fundamental understanding of statistics and machine learning along with basic programming experience in Python, you're ready to get started. You'll learn how to:

  • Crawl and clean then explore and visualize textual data in different formats
  • Preprocess and vectorize text for machine learning
  • Apply methods for classification, topic analysis, summarization, and knowledge extraction
  • Use semantic word embeddings and deep learning approaches for complex problems
  • Work with Python NLP libraries like spaCy, NLTK, and Gensim in combination with scikit-learn, Pandas, and PyTorch



這本實用書提供了理論背景和真實案例研究,並附有詳細的代碼示例,以幫助開發人員和數據科學家從在線文本中獲取洞察力。作者Jens Albrecht、Sidharth Ramachandran和Christian Winkler使用Python中的最新機器學習方法來解決與文本相關的問題。


- 爬取、清理、探索和可視化不同格式的文本數據
- 將文本進行預處理和向量化,以供機器學習使用
- 應用於分類、主題分析、摘要和知識提取的方法
- 使用語義詞嵌入和深度學習方法解決複雜問題
- 與Python自然語言處理庫(如spaCy、NLTK和Gensim)以及scikit-learn、Pandas和PyTorch等庫結合使用


Jens Albrecht is a full-time professor for Computer Science Department at the Nuremberg Institute of Technology. His work focuses on data management and analytics with a focus on text. He holds a doctorates degree in computer science. Before he rejoined academia in 2012, he has been working for over a decade in the industry as consultant and data architect. He is author of several articles on Big Data management and analysis.

Sidharth Ramachandran currently leads a team of data scientists at GfK helping to build data products for the consumer goods industry. He has over 10 years of experience in software engineering and data science across telecom, banking and marketing industries. Sidharth also co-founded WACAO, a smart personal assistant on Whatsapp which was also featured on Techcrunch. He holds an undergraduate engineering degree from IIT Roorkee and an MBA from IIM Kozhikode. Sidharth is passionate about solving real problems through technology and loves to hack through personal projects in his free time.

Christian Winkler is a Data Scientist and Machine Learning Architect. He holds a PhD in theoretical physics and has been working in the field of large data volumes and artificial intelligence for 20 years, with particular focus on scalable systems and intelligent algorithms for mass text processing. He is founder of datanizing GmbH, speaker at conferences and author of Machine Learning / Text Analytics articles.


Jens Albrecht 是紐倫堡科技學院計算機科學系的全職教授。他的研究專注於以文本為重點的數據管理和分析。他擁有計算機科學博士學位。在2012年重新加入學術界之前,他在工業界擔任顧問和數據架構師超過十年。他是幾篇關於大數據管理和分析的文章的作者。

Sidharth Ramachandran 目前在 GfK 領導一個數據科學家團隊,幫助建立消費品行業的數據產品。他在軟體工程和數據科學方面擁有超過10年的經驗,涵蓋電信、銀行和營銷行業。Sidharth 還共同創辦了 WACAO,一個在 Whatsapp 上的智能個人助理,並且被 Techcrunch 推薦。他擁有來自 IIT Roorkee 的工程學學士學位和來自 IIM Kozhikode 的工商管理碩士學位。Sidharth 熱衷於通過技術解決真實問題,並喜歡在空閒時間進行個人項目的開發。

Christian Winkler 是一位數據科學家和機器學習架構師。他擁有理論物理學博士學位,並在大數據和人工智能領域工作了20年,專注於可擴展系統和大量文本處理的智能算法。他是 datanizing GmbH 的創始人,也是會議演講者和機器學習/文本分析文章的作者。