AI may be the greatest opportunity of our time, with the potential to add nearly $16 trillion to the global economy over the next decade. But so far adoption has been much slower than anticipated. With this practical report, business leaders will discover where they are in their AI journey and learn the steps they still need to take to implement an AI solution in their organization.
Author Rob Thomas, general manager of data and AI at IBM, introduces C-suite executives and line-of-business professionals to the AI Ladder--a unified, prescriptive approach to help them accelerate their AI journey, no matter where they are in the process. This succinct report explores AI's drivers, value, and opportunity, as well as the adoption challenges organizations now face.
- Learn why you can't have AI without IA (information architecture)
- Unify data within a multicloud environment to unlock its value
- Make data accessible by collecting every type, regardless of where it lives
- Create a business-ready analytics foundation with built-in governance, protection, and compliance
- Benefit from AI models by learning smarter ways to analyze data
- Operationalize AI across multiple departments and within various processes
AI 可能是我們這個時代最大的機會,未來十年有潛力為全球經濟增加近 16 兆美元。但到目前為止,採用的速度遠低於預期。在這份實用報告中,商業領袖將發現他們在 AI 旅程中的位置,並了解他們仍需採取的步驟,以在其組織中實施 AI 解決方案。
作者 Rob Thomas,IBM 數據與 AI 總經理,向 C-suite 高管和業務專業人士介紹 AI Ladder——一種統一的、指導性的方式,幫助他們加速 AI 旅程,無論他們在過程中的哪個階段。這份簡明的報告探討了 AI 的驅動因素、價值和機會,以及組織目前面臨的採用挑戰。
- 了解為什麼沒有 IA(資訊架構)就無法實現 AI
- 在多雲環境中統一數據,以釋放其價值
- 通過收集各種類型的數據,使數據可訪問,無論其存放位置
- 創建一個業務就緒的分析基礎,內建治理、保護和合規性
- 通過學習更智能的數據分析方法,從 AI 模型中獲益
- 在多個部門和各種流程中實現 AI 的運營化
Robert D. Thomas is Senior Vice President of IBM Cloud and Data Platform. He directs IBM's product design and investment strategy, expert labs, global software product development, marketing and field operations across the company's vast software portfolio.
Rob was previously the General Manager of IBM Data and Watson AI. Under his leadership, IBM has emerged as a leader in data and AI, spanning databases, data integration and governance, business intelligence, financial planning, data science and AI tools, and AI applications. Since joining IBM's software unit, Rob has held roles of increasing responsibility and overseen 4 acquisitions by the firm, representing over $2.5 billion in transaction value.
Born in Florida, Rob earned his BA in Economics at Vanderbilt University and earned his MBA at the University of Florida, Rob serves on the board of Domus (Stamford, CT), which assists underprivileged children in Fairfield county.
Paul C. Zikopoulos is the Vice President of Cognitive BigData Systems at IBM. Paul has more than 23 years of experience in data, and is seen as a global expert in Big Data and Analytic technologies. Independent groups often recognize Paul as a thought leader with nominations to SAP's"Top 50 Big Data Twitter Influencers", Maptive's "Top 100 Big Data Experts to Follow in 2016", "Big Data Republic's "Most Influential", Onalytica's "Big Data Top 100 Influencers and Brands", and Analytics Week "Thought Leaders in Big Data and Analytics" lists. Big Data Made Simple noted him as one of the "Top 200 Big Data Thought Leaders on Twitter", Technopedia listed him one of its "Big Data Experts to Follow", and GreyCampus included him on their list of "150 Most Influential People in Big Data & Hadoop". He has also been featured on "60 Minutes", speaking on the topic of Big Data, and advises various universities on their graduate-level analytics programs.
Paul has written hundreds of magazine articles and 19 books, including "Big Data: Beyond the Hype", "Hadoop for Dummies", "Harness the Power of Big Data", "Understanding Big Data", "New Dynamic InMemory Analytics for the Era of Big Data", "Risk Free Agile Scaling", "DB2 Certification for Dummies", and "DB2 for Dummies. In his spare time, Paul is active in bolstering Women in Technology and is an advisory board member for Women 2.0, which works to close the gender gaps in tech companies. Paul enjoys all sorts of sporting activities (including the futile resistance and transformation into a "Horse Dad"). Ultimately, Paul is trying to figure out the world according to Chloë--his daughter, whom he notes didn't come with a handbook and is more complex than the topic of BigData, but more fun too. Find him on Twitter @BigData_paulz.
羅伯特·D·托馬斯(Robert D. Thomas)是IBM雲端與數據平台的高級副總裁。他負責IBM的產品設計和投資策略、專家實驗室、全球軟體產品開發、市場行銷及公司廣泛的軟體產品組合的現場運營。
羅伯特之前是IBM數據與Watson AI的總經理。在他的領導下,IBM已成為數據和AI的領導者,涵蓋數據庫、數據整合與治理、商業智慧、財務規劃、數據科學和AI工具以及AI應用。自加入IBM的軟體部門以來,羅伯特擔任了越來越多的責任,並監督了公司進行的四次收購,交易總值超過25億美元。
保羅·C·齊科普洛斯(Paul C. Zikopoulos)是IBM認知大數據系統的副總裁。保羅在數據領域擁有超過23年的經驗,被視為大數據和分析技術的全球專家。獨立機構經常將保羅認定為思想領袖,並提名他為SAP的「前50名大數據Twitter影響者」、Maptive的「2016年值得關注的前100名大數據專家」、「大數據共和國的最具影響力人物」、Onalytica的「大數據前100名影響者和品牌」以及Analytics Week的「大數據和分析領域的思想領袖」名單。Big Data Made Simple將他列為「Twitter上前200名大數據思想領袖」之一,Technopedia將他列為「值得關注的大數據專家」,而GreyCampus則將他列入「150位在大數據與Hadoop領域最具影響力的人物」名單。他還曾在《60分鐘》節目中談論大數據的主題,並為多所大學的研究生分析課程提供建議。
保羅撰寫了數百篇雜誌文章和19本書籍,包括《大數據:超越炒作》、《Hadoop入門》、《駕馭大數據的力量》、《理解大數據》、《大數據時代的新動態內存分析》、《無風險的敏捷擴展》、《DB2入門》和《DB2入門》。在空閒時間,保羅積極支持女性科技工作者,並擔任Women 2.0的顧問委員會成員,該組織致力於縮小科技公司中的性別差距。保羅喜愛各種體育活動(包括徒勞的抵抗和轉變為「馬爸爸」)。最終,保羅試圖理解他女兒Chloë的世界,他指出女兒的成長沒有手冊,且比大數據的主題更為複雜,但也更有趣。可以在Twitter上找到他 @BigData_paulz。