Programming PHP: Creating Dynamic Web Pages 4/e

Tatroe, Kevin, MacIntyre, Peter




Why is PHP the most widely used programming language on the web? This updated edition teaches everything you need to know to create effective web applications using the latest features in PHP 7.4. You'll start with the big picture and then dive into language syntax, programming techniques, and other details, using examples that illustrate both correct usage and common idioms.

If you have a working knowledge of HTML, authors Kevin Tatroe and Peter MacIntyre provide many style tips and practical programming advice in a clear and concise manner to help you become a top-notch PHP programmer.
  • Understand what's possible when you use PHP programs
  • Learn language fundamentals, including data types, variables, operators, and flow control statements
  • Explore functions, strings, arrays, and objects
  • Apply common web application techniques, such as form processing, data validation, session tracking, and cookies
  • Interact with relational databases like MySQL or NoSQL databases such as MongoDB
  • Generate dynamic images, create PDF files, and parse XML files
  • Learn secure scripts, error handling, performance tuning, and other advanced topics
  • Get a quick reference to PHP core functions and standard extensions


為什麼PHP是網頁上最廣泛使用的程式語言?這本更新的版本教授您使用PHP 7.4的最新功能來創建有效的網頁應用程式所需的一切知識。您將從整體概述開始,然後深入研究語言語法、程式設計技巧和其他細節,並使用示例來說明正確使用和常見慣用法。如果您對HTML有基本了解,作者Kevin Tatroe和Peter MacIntyre以清晰簡潔的方式提供許多風格提示和實用的程式設計建議,幫助您成為一位頂尖的PHP程式設計師。

  • 了解使用PHP程式時的可能性

  • 學習語言基礎知識,包括資料類型、變數、運算子和流程控制語句

  • 探索函式、字串、陣列和物件

  • 應用常見的網頁應用程式技術,如表單處理、資料驗證、會話追蹤和Cookie

  • 與關聯式資料庫(如MySQL)或NoSQL資料庫(如MongoDB)互動

  • 生成動態圖像、創建PDF檔案和解析XML檔案

  • 學習安全腳本、錯誤處理、效能調校和其他高級主題

  • 快速查閱PHP核心函式和標準擴展


Kevin Tatroe has been an Apple Platforms and web stack engineer for almost 30 years, developing websites and mobile, desktop, and TV apps both small and enormous. He's attracted to technologies that allow for rapid iteration, experimentation, and highly opinionated architecture. Kevin, his wife Jenn, his son Hadden, and their two cats are recent transplants to Los Angeles, trading the quiet farmland of Colorado for the bustle of Hollywood. Their house remains filled with LEGO creations, board games, books, and numerous other distractions.

Peter MacIntyre has over 28 years of experience in the information technology industry, primarily in the area of PHP and Web Technologies. He has contributed writing material for many IT industry publications: Author of PHP: The Good Parts (O'Reilly); co-author: Pro PHP Programming (APress), Programming PHP (3rd Edition - O'Reilly), Using Visual Objects, Using PowerBuilder 5, ASP.NET Bible, Web Warrior Survey on Web Development Languages, and Zend Studio for Eclipse Developer's Guide.

Peter is a co-founder and past co-chair and past board member for the Northeast PHP Developer's Conference held in Boston, MA and Charlottetown, PE Canada for the last 6 years ( As well, Peter has spoken several times at North American and International computer conferences including PHPCE 2017 in Warsaw, Poland; PHP[World] 2016 in Washington, DC; ZendCon 2016 in Las Vegas, NortheastPHP 2017 & 2016 (Charlottetown, PE, Canada), Prairie Dev Con 2016 in Winnipeg, MB, Canada, CA-World in New Orleans, USA; CA-TechniCon in Cologne, Germany; and CA-Expo in Melbourne, Australia. He is a Zend Certified Engineer in PHP 5.3 and PHP 4.0.


Kevin Tatroe已經擔任蘋果平台和網頁技術工程師近30年,開發過各種大小的網站和手機、桌面和電視應用程式。他對能夠快速迭代、實驗和高度主觀的架構技術感到興趣。Kevin、他的妻子Jenn、他的兒子Hadden和他們的兩隻貓最近從科羅拉多州的寧靜農田搬到了好萊塢的繁忙城市。他們的房子裡擺滿了樂高創作、桌遊、書籍和其他各種分心的東西。

Peter MacIntyre在資訊技術行業擁有超過28年的經驗,主要專注於PHP和網頁技術領域。他為許多IT行業出版物撰寫了相關材料,包括《PHP: The Good Parts》(O'Reilly)的作者,以及《Pro PHP Programming》(APress)、《Programming PHP》(第3版 - O'Reilly)、《Using Visual Objects》、《Using PowerBuilder 5》、《ASP.NET Bible》、《Web Warrior Survey on Web Development Languages》和《Zend Studio for Eclipse Developer's Guide》的合著者。

Peter是東北PHP開發者大會的聯合創辦人、前聯合主席和前董事會成員,該大會在過去6年中在美國波士頓和加拿大夏洛特敦舉辦(。此外,Peter多次在北美和國際計算機會議上發表演講,包括2017年在波蘭華沙舉辦的PHPCE、2016年在華盛頓特區舉辦的PHP[World]、2016年在拉斯維加斯舉辦的ZendCon、2017年和2016年在加拿大夏洛特敦舉辦的NortheastPHP、2016年在加拿大溫尼伯舉辦的Prairie Dev Con、在美國新奧爾良舉辦的CA-World、在德國科隆舉辦的CA-TechniCon,以及在澳大利亞墨爾本舉辦的CA-Expo。他是PHP 5.3和PHP 4.0的Zend認證工程師。