Hit the ground running with React, the open source technology from Facebook for building rich web applications fast. Updated for the latest React release, the second edition of this hands-on guide shows you how to build React components and organize them into maintainable large-scale apps. If youâ re familiar with JavaScript syntax, youâ re ready to get started.
Through the course of this book, author Stoyan Stefanov helps web developers and programmers build a complete custom app for storing data on the client. Youâ ll quickly learn why some developers consider React the key to the web app development puzzle.
- Set up React and write your first Hello, World web app
- Create and use custom React components alongside generic DOM components
- Build a data table component that lets you edit, sort, search, and export its contents
- Use the JSX syntax extension as an alternative to function calls
- Set up a lean, low-level build process that helps you focus on React
- Build a complete custom app that lets you store data on the client
- Use ESLint, Flow, and Jest tools to check and test your code as your app evolves
Stoyan Stefanov is a Facebook engineer. Previously at Yahoo, he was the creator of the smush.it online image-optimization tool and architect of the YSlow 2.0 performance tool. Stoyan is the author of JavaScript Patterns and Object-Oriented JavaScript, as well as a contributor to Even Faster Web Sites and High-Performance JavaScript. Additionally, he's a blogger (phpied.com) and frequent speaker at conferences like Velocity, JSConf, and Fronteers.