Cloud Native Transformation: Practical Patterns for Innovation

Reznik, Pini, Gienow, Michelle, Dobson, Jamie




In the past few years, going cloud native has been a big advantage for many companies. But it's a tough technique to get right, especially for enterprises with critical legacy systems. This book examines effective architecture, design, and cultural patterns to help you migrate to cloud native systems--whether you're moving from older architectures or creating new systems from scratch.

Cloud migration consultants Pini Reznik and Jamie Dobson draw patterns from the growing community of expert practitioners and enterprises that have successfully built cloud native systems. Technical managers and architects will learn what works and what doesn't when adopting cloud native--not just how this transition affects your technology but your company's culture as well.

You'll learn:

  • What cloud native means and why enterprises are so interested in it
  • Common barriers and issues that have affected other companies
  • Context-specific patterns for a successful cloud native adoption
  • How to implement a safe, evolutionary cloud native approach
  • How companies addressed root causes and misunderstandings that led to adoption problems



雲遷移顧問Pini Reznik和Jamie Dobson從日益壯大的專家實踐者和成功構建雲原生系統的企業中提取了模式。技術經理和架構師將學習在採用雲原生時什麼有效,什麼無效,不僅了解這種轉變如何影響您的技術,還了解它如何影響您公司的文化。


- 雲原生的含義以及企業對其的興趣
- 影響其他公司的常見障礙和問題
- 適用於成功採用雲原生的特定背景模式
- 如何實施安全、漸進的雲原生方法
- 公司如何解決導致採用問題的根本原因和誤解


CTO and co-founder of Container Solutions, a consultancy that is helping companies to successfully adopt cloud native technologies and practices.

In the 4 years of existence of Container Solutions, they've participated and led dozens of cloud native transformations and collected extensive hands on experience in both technical and organisational aspects of the transformation.

Michelle is a freelance web developer and journalist whose clients include The New Stack, Linux Foundation, New York Times, and Discovery Channel, among many. She is happiest when working amid the fascinating confluence of technology and writing.

Jamie Dobson is co-founder and CEO of Container Solutions, a professional services consultancy specializing in cloud migration. A first encounter with a BBC computer and BASIC at the age of nine launched a lifelong passion for programming and software development. He eventually developed a matching passion for coaching and organizational strategy to help humans work effectively and beneficially with the technology that increasingly drives our lives.


Container Solutions的CTO兼聯合創辦人,該公司是一家咨詢公司,幫助企業成功採用雲原生技術和實踐。

Container Solutions成立4年來,參與並領導了數十個雲原生轉型項目,並在轉型的技術和組織方面積累了豐富的實踐經驗。

Michelle是一位自由網站開發人員和記者,她的客戶包括The New Stack、Linux Foundation、New York Times和Discovery Channel等。當她在技術和寫作的迷人交匯處工作時,她感到最快樂。

Jamie Dobson是Container Solutions的聯合創辦人兼CEO,該公司是一家專門從事雲遷移的專業服務咨詢公司。九歲時,他第一次接觸BBC電腦和BASIC,從此對編程和軟件開發產生了終身的熱情。他最終對教練和組織戰略產生了相同的熱情,以幫助人們有效地並有益地使用越來越多地推動我們生活的技術。