Mastering Collaboration

Gretchen Anderson

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2019-04-23
  • 定價: $1,600
  • 售價: 8.0$1,280
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 228
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1492041734
  • ISBN-13: 9781492041733
  • 相關分類: 商業管理類
  • 立即出貨 (庫存 < 4)



Collaboration is key for organizations in the 21st century, yet few business people have been trained to teach this skill. How do you advance ideas in a collaborative way and then communicate them throughout your company? In this practical book, author Gretchen Anderson shows you how to generate ideas with others while gaining buy-in from all levels of your organization.

Product managers, designers, marketers, technical leaders, and executives will obtain better insight into how team members work together to make decisions. Through tangible exercises and techniques, you’ll learn how to turn promising ideas into products, services, and solutions that make a real difference in the market.

  • Use a framework to develop ideas into hypotheses to be tested and refined
  • Avoid common pitfalls in the collaboration process
  • Align communication approaches to ensure that collaboration is effective and inclusive
  • Structure events or meetings for different types of collaboration depending on the people involved
  • Practice giving and receiving critiques to foster inclusion without resorting to consensus-based decisions


在21世紀,協作對於組織來說至關重要,然而很少有商業人士接受過協作技巧的培訓。您如何以協作的方式推進想法,並在整個公司中傳達它們呢?在這本實用的書中,作者Gretchen Anderson向您展示如何與他人一起產生想法,同時獲得組織各個層級的支持。


- 使用框架將想法發展成需要測試和完善的假設
- 避免協作過程中的常見問題
- 調整溝通方法,確保協作有效且包容
- 根據參與的人員,為不同類型的協作結構活動或會議
- 練習給予和接受評論,以促進包容性,而不必採取共識式決策


Gretchen consults with clients to inform their product strategy and improve team collaboration skills. She spent the first part of her career in design consulting at firms like frog design, Cooper, and LUNAR. She was Head of Design at PG&E, California’s largest energy company; she has led the design of the hardware and software of a next-generation surgical system; and served as VP of Product at Gretchen is a Bay Area native who left only long enough to get a bachelor’s degree from Harvard in History & Literature.


Gretchen與客戶協商,以提供產品策略建議並改善團隊協作能力。她在職業生涯的前半段在設計顧問公司如frog design、Cooper和LUNAR工作。她曾擔任加州最大能源公司PG&E的設計主管,領導下一代手術系統的硬體和軟體設計,並擔任GreatSchools.org的產品副總裁。Gretchen是灣區的本地人,只離開一段時間去哈佛大學獲得歷史與文學學士學位。