Practical Cloud Security (Paperback) (實用雲端安全)

Chris Dotson




With the fast, competitive evolution of new cloud services, particularly those related to security, cloud deployment is now definitively as secure as on-premises servers, and probably even more secure. This practical book surveys current security challenges and shows security professionals, IT architects, and developers how to meet them while deploying systems to popular cloud services.

You’ll find up-to-date, cloud-specific security guidance for popular cloud platforms in the areas of cloud and data asset management, identity and access management, vulnerability management, network security, and incident response. Author Chris Dotson offers practical cloud security best practices for multi-vendor cloud environments whether you’re just starting to design your cloud environment or have legacy projects to secure.



您將在雲端平台的雲端和資料資產管理、身份和存取管理、漏洞管理、網路安全和事件回應等方面找到最新的、針對雲端的安全指導。作者Chris Dotson提供了針對多供應商雲端環境的實用雲端安全最佳實踐,無論您是剛開始設計雲端環境還是需要保護遺留專案。