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Organizations—big and small—have started to realize just how crucial system and application reliability is to their business. At the same time, they’ve also learned just how difficult it is to maintain that reliability while iterating at the speed demanded by the marketplace. Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) is a proven approach to this challenge.
SRE is a large and rich topic to discuss. Google led the way with Site Reliability Engineering, the wildly successful O’Reilly book that described Google’s creation of the discipline and the implementation that has allowed them to operate at a planetary scale. Inspired by that earlier work, this book explores a very different part of the SRE space.
The more than two dozen chapters in Seeking SRE bring you into some of the important conversations going on in the SRE world right now. Listen as engineers and other leaders in the field discuss different ways of implementing SRE and SRE principles in a wide variety of settings; how SRE relates to other approaches like DevOps; the specialities on the cutting edge that will soon be common place in SRE; best practices and technologies that make practicing SRE easier; and finally hear what people have to say about the important, but rarely discussed human side of SRE.
David N. Blank-Edelman is the book’s curator and editor.
組織—無論大小—已開始意識到系統和應用程式的可靠性對其業務的重要性。同時,他們也了解到,在市場需求的速度下,維持這種可靠性是多麼困難。網站可靠性工程(Site Reliability Engineering, SRE)是一種應對這一挑戰的有效方法。
《Seeking SRE》中的二十多個章節將帶您進入當前SRE世界中一些重要的對話。聆聽工程師和其他領域領導者討論在各種環境中實施SRE及其原則的不同方式;SRE如何與DevOps等其他方法相關;即將成為SRE常態的前沿專業;使實踐SRE變得更容易的最佳實踐和技術;最後,聽聽人們對SRE中重要但鮮少討論的人性面向的看法。
David N. Blank-Edelman是本書的策展人和編輯。