Photoshop Elements 13 looks sharper, performs better, and has more sophisticated photo-editing and slideshow features than previous versions—but knowing which tools to use when can be confusing. The new edition of this bestselling book removes the guesswork. With candid, jargon-free advice and step-by-step guidance, you’ll get the most out of Elements for everything from sharing and touching-up photos to fun print and online projects.
The important stuff you need to know:
- Get to work right away. Import, organize, edit, crop, and color-correct your photos with ease.
- Retouch any image. Repair and restore old and damaged photos, and patch undesirable areas with Content-Aware Fill.
- Add pizzazz. Dress up your photos with dozens of filters, layer styles, and special effects.
- Create the perfect picture. Seamlessly insert people and objects from other photos, using Photomerge Compose.
- Share your photos. Use new methods to quickly create and email stunning slideshows to friends.
- Use your words. Make greeting cards, calendars, and flyers by adding text to images.
- Unleash your creativity. Design photo books, scrapbooks, collages, and other projects.
Photoshop Elements 13 比之前的版本看起來更清晰、性能更佳,並且擁有更先進的照片編輯和幻燈片功能,但知道何時使用哪些工具可能會讓人感到困惑。這本暢銷書的新版本消除了這種猜測。透過坦率、無行話的建議和逐步指導,您將能夠充分利用 Elements,從分享和修飾照片到有趣的印刷和線上專案。
- **立即開始工作。** 輕鬆導入、組織、編輯、裁剪和調整照片的顏色。
- **修飾任何影像。** 修復和恢復舊的和受損的照片,並使用內容感知填充修補不想要的區域。
- **增添魅力。** 使用數十種濾鏡、圖層樣式和特效來裝飾您的照片。
- **創造完美的圖片。** 使用 Photomerge Compose 無縫插入來自其他照片的人物和物體。
- **分享您的照片。** 使用新方法快速創建並通過電子郵件將驚人的幻燈片發送給朋友。
- **使用您的文字。** 通過在影像上添加文字來製作賀卡、日曆和傳單。
- **釋放您的創意。** 設計相冊、剪貼簿、拼貼和其他專案。