Gradle Recipes for Android (Paperback)
暫譯: Android 的 Gradle 食譜 (平裝本)

Ken Kousen


Using the Android Studio IDE and the Gradle build tool will make Android app development much simpler—as long as you know your way around Gradle. This practical guide shows you how Gradle works with Android so that you can use it effectively on your projects. You’ll learn ways to customize project layouts, add dependencies, and even generate multiple different versions of your application.

  • Use Gradle independently and from with the new preferred IDE, Android Studio
  • Integrate tests into standard Android project builds
  • Easily customize builds to add popular third-party libraries as dependencies
  • Generate artifacts with various properties, like debug or release, and different flavors, like paid or free


使用 Android Studio IDE 和 Gradle 建置工具將使 Android 應用程式開發變得更加簡單—只要你熟悉 Gradle 的使用。這本實用指南將向你展示 Gradle 如何與 Android 協同工作,以便你能在專案中有效地使用它。你將學習如何自訂專案佈局、添加相依性,甚至生成多個不同版本的應用程式。

- 獨立使用 Gradle,並從新的首選 IDE Android Studio 中使用
- 將測試整合到標準的 Android 專案建置中
- 輕鬆自訂建置以添加流行的第三方函式庫作為相依性
- 生成具有各種屬性的工件,例如除錯或發佈,以及不同的版本,例如付費或免費