The Uncertain Web (Paperback)

Rob Larsen

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2015-01-13
  • 定價: $990
  • 售價: 8.0$792
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 258
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1491945907
  • ISBN-13: 9781491945902
  • 相關分類: 網頁設計
  • 相關翻譯: Web應變之道 (簡中版)
  • 立即出貨 (庫存 < 3)




What’s the best way to develop for a Web gone wild? That’s easy. Simply scrap the rules you’ve relied on all these years and embrace uncertainty as a core tenet of design. In this practical book, veteran developer Rob Larsen outlines the principles out what he calls The Uncertain Web, and shows you techniques necessary to successfully make the transition.

By combining web standards, progressive enhancement, an iterative approach to design and development, and a desire to question the status quo, your team can create sites and applications that will perform well in a wide range of present and future devices. This guide points the way.

Topics include:

  • Navigating thousands of browser/device/OS combinations
  • Focusing on optimal, not absolute solutions
  • Feature detection, Modernizr, and polyfills
  • RWD, mobile first, and progressive enhancement
  • UIs that work with multiple user input modes
  • Image optimization, SVG, and server-side options
  • The horribly complex world of web video
  • The Web we want to see in the future


如何開發一個瘋狂的網頁的最佳方法是什麼?這很簡單。只需放棄多年來依賴的規則,並將不確定性視為設計的核心原則。在這本實用書中,資深開發者羅伯·拉森(Rob Larsen)概述了他所稱之為「不確定網頁」的原則,並向您展示了成功過渡所需的技巧。


- 導航數千種瀏覽器/設備/操作系統組合
- 專注於最佳解決方案,而不是絕對解決方案
- 功能檢測、Modernizr和polyfills
- 響應式網頁設計(RWD)、以手機為先和漸進增強
- 與多種用戶輸入模式兼容的使用者界面
- 圖像優化、SVG和服務器端選項
- 網頁視頻的極其複雜世界
- 我們希望在未來看到的網頁