Programming Beyond Practices: Be More Than Just a Code Monkey
暫譯: 超越實踐的程式設計:成為不僅僅是程式碼小子

Gregory Brown



Writing code is the easy part of your work as a software developer. This practical book lets you explore the other 90%—everything from requirements discovery and rapid prototyping to business analysis and designing for maintainability. Instead of providing neatly packaged advice from on high, author Gregory Brown presents detailed examples of the many problems developers encounter, including the thought process it takes to solve them.

He does this in an unusual and entertaining fashion by making you the main character in a series of chapter-length stories. As these stories progress, the examples become more complex, and your responsibilities increase. Together, these stories take you on a journey that will make you question and refine the way you think about, and work on, software projects.

Steps in this unique journey include:

  • Using prototypes to explore project ideas
  • Spotting hidden dependencies in incremental changes
  • Identifying the pain points of service integrations
  • Developing a rigorous approach towards problem-solving
  • Designing software from the bottom up
  • Data modeling in an imperfect world
  • Gradual process improvement as an antidote for over-commitment
  • The future of software development


撰寫程式碼是軟體開發者工作中最簡單的部分。這本實用的書籍讓你探索其餘的90%——從需求發掘、快速原型製作到商業分析和可維護性設計。作者Gregory Brown並不是提供高高在上的整潔建議,而是呈現了開發者所遇到的許多問題的詳細範例,包括解決這些問題所需的思考過程。


- 使用原型探索專案想法
- 發現增量變更中的隱藏依賴
- 確認服務整合的痛點
- 發展嚴謹的問題解決方法
- 從底層設計軟體
- 在不完美的世界中進行資料建模
- 逐步改善流程以對抗過度承諾
- 軟體開發的未來