Designing for Sustainability: A Guide to Building Greener Digital Products and Services
暫譯: 可持續設計:打造更環保數位產品與服務的指南
Tim Frick
Pixels use electricity, and a lot of it. If the Internet were a country, it would be the sixth largest in terms of electricity use. That’s because today’s average web page has surpassed two megabytes in size, leading to slow load times, frustrated users, and a lot of wasted energy. With this practical guide, your web design team will learn how to apply sustainability principles for creating speedy, user-friendly, and energy-efficient digital products and services.
Author Tim Frick introduces a web design framework that focuses on four key areas where these principles can make a difference: content strategy, performance optimization, design and user experience, and green hosting. You’ll discover how to provide users with a streamlined experience, while reducing the environmental impact of your products and services.
- Learn why 90% of the data that ever existed was created in the last year
- Use sustainability principles to innovate, reduce waste, and function more efficiently
- Explore green hosting, sustainable business practices, and lean/agile workflows
- Put the right things in front of users at precisely the moment they need them—and nothing more
- Increase site search engine visibility, streamline user experience, and make streaming video more efficient
- Use Action Items to explore concepts outlined in each chapter
作者 Tim Frick 介紹了一個網頁設計框架,專注於四個關鍵領域,在這些領域中,這些原則可以產生影響:內容策略、性能優化、設計與用戶體驗,以及綠色託管。您將發現如何為用戶提供精簡的體驗,同時減少產品和服務對環境的影響。
- 了解為什麼90%的數據是在過去一年內創建的
- 使用可持續性原則進行創新、減少浪費並提高效率
- 探索綠色託管、可持續商業實踐和精益/敏捷工作流程
- 在用戶需要的確切時刻將正確的內容呈現給他們——而且不多於此
- 提高網站的搜索引擎可見性,精簡用戶體驗,並使串流視頻更高效
- 使用行動項目來探索每章中概述的概念