Building Isomorphic JavaScript Apps: From Concept to Implementation to Real-World Solutions (Paperback)

Jason Strimpel, Maxime Najim




Isomorphic JavaScript, often described as the holy grail of web application development, refers to running JavaScript code on both the browser client and web application server. This application architecture has become increasingly popular for the benefits of SEO, optimized page load and full control of the UI, and isomorphic libraries are being used at companies like Walmart, Airbnb, Facebook, and Netflix.

With this practical book, authors Jason Strimpel and Maxime Najim provide the knowledge you need to build and maintain your own isomorphic JavaScript apps.

This book includes:

  • Part 1 identifies different classifications of isomorphic JavaScript apps, and shows you how to set up a development environment
  • Part 2 takes you from theory to practice by showing you how to build out your own isomorphic app
  • Part 3 takes you through existing solutions in the market today, providing you with the knowledge you need to bring isomorphic solutions into your development workflow


「同構 JavaScript」,通常被形容為網頁應用程式開發的聖杯,指的是在瀏覽器客戶端和網頁應用程式伺服器上運行 JavaScript 代碼。這種應用程式架構因其對 SEO 的好處、優化的頁面加載和對 UI 的完全控制而越來越受歡迎,同構庫已被像沃爾瑪、Airbnb、Facebook 和 Netflix 這樣的公司使用。

在這本實用書中,作者 Jason Strimpel 和 Maxime Najim 提供了您建立和維護自己的同構 JavaScript 應用程式所需的知識。


- 第一部分介紹了不同類型的同構 JavaScript 應用程式,並向您展示如何設置開發環境。
- 第二部分從理論轉向實踐,向您展示如何構建自己的同構應用程式。
- 第三部分介紹了當今市場上的現有解決方案,為您提供將同構解決方案引入開發工作流程所需的知識。