Reactive Programming with RxJava: Creating Asynchronous, Event-Based Applications

Tomasz Nurkiewicz, Ben Christensen




In today’s app-driven era, when programs are asynchronous and responsiveness is so vital, reactive programming can help you write code that’s more reliable, easier to scale, and better-performing. With this practical book, Java developers will first learn how to view problems in the reactive way, and then build programs that leverage the best features of this exciting new programming paradigm.

Authors Tomasz Nurkiewicz and Ben Christensen include concrete examples that use the RxJava library to solve real-world performance issues on Android devices as well as the server. You’ll learn how RxJava leverages parallelism and concurrency to help you solve today’s problems. This book also provides a preview of the upcoming 2.0 release.

  • Write programs that react to multiple asynchronous sources of input without descending into "callback hell"
  • Get to that aha! moment when you understand how to solve problems in the reactive way
  • Cope with Observables that produce data too quickly to be consumed
  • Explore strategies to debug and to test programs written in the reactive style
  • Efficiently exploit parallelism and concurrency in your programs
  • Learn about the transition to RxJava version 2



作者Tomasz Nurkiewicz和Ben Christensen提供了使用RxJava程式庫解決Android設備和伺服器上真實世界效能問題的具體範例。您將學習RxJava如何利用平行處理和並行處理來幫助您解決當今的問題。本書還提供了即將推出的2.0版本的預覽。

- 撰寫能夠反應多個非同步輸入來源的程式,而不會陷入「回呼地獄」
- 在您理解如何以反應式方式解決問題時,達到那個「啊哈!」的時刻
- 處理產生資料速度過快而無法消耗的Observables
- 探索以反應式風格撰寫的程式的除錯和測試策略
- 在您的程式中有效地利用平行處理和並行處理
- 了解RxJava 2版本的轉換過程