CSS Floating: Floats and Float Shapes (Paperback)

Eric A. Meyer

  • 出版商: O'Reilly|英文2書85折
  • 出版日期: 2016-03-01
  • 定價: $300
  • 售價: 8.0$240
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 48
  • 裝訂: Paperback
  • ISBN: 1491929642
  • ISBN-13: 9781491929643
  • 相關分類: CSS
  • 立即出貨 (庫存 < 3)



While flowing text around images is certainly nothing new, with CSS you can float any element, from images to paragraphs to lists. In this practical guide, author Eric Meyer reveals some interesting—and surprising—ways to use CSS floats in your web design, including the latest capability to flow content past non-rectangular float shapes.

Short and sweet, this book is an excerpt from the upcoming fourth edition of CSS: The Definitive Guide. When you purchase either the print or the ebook edition of CSS Floating, you’ll receive a discount on the entire Definitive Guide once it’s released. Why wait? Learn how to bring life to your web pages now.

  • Learn the characteristics of floated elements, and CSS rules for using them
  • Be aware of certain rule exceptions when applying floats to your design, including the use of negative margins
  • Use the clear property to prevent floats from affecting elements in the next section of the document
  • Create floating boxes in non-rectangular shapes, including rounded corners, circles, ellipses, and even polygons
  • Define float shapes with transparent or opaque images


在網頁設計中,文字繞圖已經是一個常見的技巧,但是使用 CSS,你可以將任何元素浮動,包括圖片、段落和列表。在這本實用指南中,作者 Eric Meyer 揭示了一些有趣且令人驚訝的使用 CSS 浮動的方式,包括最新的能力,可以使內容流過非矩形的浮動形狀。

這本書是即將發行的《CSS: The Definitive Guide》第四版的一部分。當你購買《CSS Floating》的印刷版或電子版時,你將獲得整本《Definitive Guide》的折扣。為什麼要等呢?現在就學習如何為你的網頁注入生命吧。


- 學習浮動元素的特性,以及使用它們的 CSS 規則
- 注意在設計中應用浮動時的某些規則例外情況,包括使用負邊距
- 使用「clear」屬性來防止浮動影響文檔下一節中的元素
- 創建非矩形形狀的浮動框,包括圓角、圓形、橢圓形,甚至多邊形
- 使用透明或不透明圖像定義浮動形狀