Introduction to JavaScript Object Notation: A To-the-Point Guide to JSON (Paperback) (JavaScript 物件表示法簡介:JSON 的精要指南)

Lindsay Bassett




What is JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) and how can you put it to work? This concise guide helps busy IT professionals get up and running quickly with this popular data interchange format, and provides a deep understanding of how JSON works. Author Lindsay Bassett begins with an overview of JSON syntax, data types, formatting, and security concerns before exploring the many ways you can apply JSON today.

From Web APIs and server-side language libraries to NoSQL databases and client-side frameworks, JSON has emerged as a viable alternative to XML for exchanging data between different platforms. If you have some programming experience and understand HTML and JavaScript, this is your book.

  • Learn why JSON syntax represents data in name-value pairs
  • Explore JSON data types, including object, string, number, and array
  • Find out how you can combat common security concerns
  • Learn how the JSON schema verifies that data is formatted correctly
  • Examine the relationship between browsers, web APIs, and JSON
  • Understand how web servers can both request and create data
  • Discover how jQuery and other client-side frameworks use JSON
  • Learn why the CouchDB NoSQL database uses JSON to store data


什麼是JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)以及如何使用它?這本簡明指南將幫助忙碌的IT專業人士快速上手並深入了解這種流行的資料交換格式。作者Lindsay Bassett在探索JSON的工作原理之前,先從語法、資料類型、格式和安全問題等方面進行概述。

從Web API和伺服器端語言庫到NoSQL資料庫和客戶端框架,JSON已經成為在不同平台之間交換資料的可行替代方案。如果您具有一些程式設計經驗並且了解HTML和JavaScript,這本書非常適合您。

- 瞭解為什麼JSON語法以名稱-值對表示資料
- 探索JSON的資料類型,包括物件、字串、數字和陣列
- 瞭解如何應對常見的安全問題
- 學習JSON模式如何驗證資料的正確格式
- 探討瀏覽器、Web API和JSON之間的關係
- 理解Web伺服器如何請求和創建資料
- 發現jQuery和其他客戶端框架如何使用JSON
- 瞭解為什麼CouchDB NoSQL資料庫使用JSON來儲存資料