$594$564 -
$1,880$1,786 -
$650$553 -
$505Spring MVC 實戰
$580$458 -
$296瘋狂 Spring Cloud 微服務架構實戰
$607Java 函數式編程
$607Spring 5 開發大全
$780$616 -
$454實戰 Java 虛擬機 — JVM 故障診斷與性能優化, 2/e
$454Java 微服務測試:基於 Arquillian、Hoverfly、AssertJ、JUnit、Selenium 與 Mockito (Testing Java Microservices: Using Arquillian, Hoverfly, AssertJ, JUnit, Selenium, and Mockito)
$980$774 -
$607Spring Cloud、Nginx 高並發核心編程
$534$507 -
$607Java 程序性能優化實戰
$600$468 -
$650$455 -
$580$458 -
How can Apache Mesos make a difference in your organization? With this practical guide, you’ll learn how this cluster manager directs your datacenter’s resources, and provides real time APIs for interacting with (and developing for) the entire cluster. You’ll learn how to use Mesos as a deployment system, like Ansible or Chef, and as an execution platform for building and hosting higher-level applications, like Hadoop.
Author David Greenberg shows you how Mesos manages your entire datacenter as a single logical entity, eliminating the need to assign fixed sets of machines to applications. You’ll quickly discover why Mesos is the ultimate DevOps tool.
- Understand Mesos architecture, and learn how it manages CPU, memory, and other resources across a cluster
- Build an application on top of Mesos with Marathon, a platform for hosting services on Mesos
- Create new, production-ready frameworks for Mesos
- Write a custom executor to provide richer interaction between the Mesos scheduler and workers
- Dive into advanced topics, including the reconciliation process, Docker integration, dynamic reservations, and persistent volumes
- Learn about today’s Mesos initiatives that will likely become tomorrow’s features
如何讓 Apache Mesos 在您的組織中發揮作用?透過這本實用指南,您將學習這個叢集管理器如何指導您的資料中心資源,並提供實時 API 以便與整個叢集互動(及開發)。您將學會如何將 Mesos 用作部署系統,如 Ansible 或 Chef,以及作為構建和托管高階應用程式(如 Hadoop)的執行平台。
作者 David Greenberg 向您展示 Mesos 如何將整個資料中心管理為一個單一的邏輯實體,消除將固定機器集分配給應用程式的需求。您將迅速發現為什麼 Mesos 是終極的 DevOps 工具。
- 了解 Mesos 架構,學習它如何在叢集中管理 CPU、記憶體和其他資源
- 在 Mesos 上使用 Marathon 構建應用程式,這是一個在 Mesos 上托管服務的平台
- 為 Mesos 創建新的生產就緒框架
- 編寫自定義執行器,以提供 Mesos 調度器和工作者之間更豐富的互動
- 深入探討進階主題,包括調解過程、Docker 整合、動態預約和持久性卷
- 了解當前 Mesos 的倡議,這些倡議可能會成為未來的功能