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The infrastructure-as-code revolution in IT is also affecting database administration. With this practical book, developers, system administrators, and junior to mid-level DBAs will learn how the modern practice of site reliability engineering applies to the craft of database architecture and operations. Authors Laine Campbell and Charity Majors provide a framework for professionals looking to join the ranks of today’s database reliability engineers (DBRE).
You’ll begin by exploring core operational concepts that DBREs need to master. Then you’ll examine a wide range of database persistence options, including how to implement key technologies to provide resilient, scalable, and performant data storage and retrieval. With a firm foundation in database reliability engineering, you’ll be ready to dive into the architecture and operations of any modern database.
This book covers:
- Service-level requirements and risk management
- Building and evolving an architecture for operational visibility
- Infrastructure engineering and infrastructure management
- How to facilitate the release management process
- Data storage, indexing, and replication
- Identifying datastore characteristics and best use cases
- Datastore architectural components and data-driven architectures
IT 領域中的基礎設施即代碼(infrastructure-as-code)革命也影響了資料庫管理。這本實用的書籍將幫助開發人員、系統管理員以及初級到中級的資料庫管理員(DBA)了解現代網站可靠性工程(site reliability engineering)如何應用於資料庫架構和操作的技藝。作者 Laine Campbell 和 Charity Majors 提供了一個框架,供希望成為當今資料庫可靠性工程師(DBRE)的專業人士參考。
您將首先探索 DBRE 需要掌握的核心操作概念。接著,您將檢視各種資料庫持久性選項,包括如何實施關鍵技術,以提供具韌性、可擴展且高效能的資料儲存和檢索。擁有堅實的資料庫可靠性工程基礎後,您將準備深入任何現代資料庫的架構和操作。
- 服務水平要求和風險管理
- 建立和演進操作可見性的架構
- 基礎設施工程和基礎設施管理
- 如何促進釋出管理過程
- 資料儲存、索引和複製
- 識別資料存儲特性和最佳使用案例
- 資料存儲架構組件和以資料為驅動的架構