Building Node Applications with MongoDB and Backbone: Rapid Prototyping and Scalable Deployment
暫譯: 使用 MongoDB 和 Backbone 建立 Node 應用程式:快速原型設計與可擴展部署
Mike Wilson
The enthusiasm behind Node doesn’t just reflect the promise of server-side JavaScript. Developers also have the potential to create elegant applications that are much easier to maintain. In the second edition of this hands-on book, experienced software architect Mike Wilson builds out self-contained examples with easy-to-follow code samples. You’ll learn how to develop complete applications that combine the strengths of Node, the MongoDB scalable storage solution, and the Backbone toolkit for clean application design in the browser.
Along with security and good design practices, this book teaches you functional programming concepts in Backbone, and demonstrates why they’re important for the front end. JavaScript programmers will learn the power of the language in a variety of contexts.
Node 的熱情不僅反映了伺服器端 JavaScript 的潛力。開發者還有可能創建優雅的應用程式,這些應用程式更容易維護。在這本實用書的第二版中,經驗豐富的軟體架構師 Mike Wilson 提供了獨立的範例,並附上易於理解的程式碼範本。您將學會如何開發完整的應用程式,結合 Node 的優勢、MongoDB 可擴展的儲存解決方案,以及 Backbone 工具包以實現瀏覽器中的乾淨應用程式設計。
除了安全性和良好的設計實踐外,本書還教您 Backbone 中的函數式程式設計概念,並展示它們為何對前端重要。JavaScript 程式設計師將在各種情境中學習到這門語言的強大之處。