Designing Products People Love: How Great Designers Create Successful Products (Paperback)

Scott Hurff




How can you create products that successfully find customers? With this practical book, you’ll learn from some of the best product designers in the field, from companies like Facebook and LinkedIn to up-and-coming contenders. You’ll understand how to discover and interpret customer pain, and learn how to use this research to guide your team through each step of product creation.

Written for designers, product managers, and others who want to communicate better with designers, this book is essential reading for anyone who contributes to the product creation process.

  • Understand exactly who your customers are, what they want, and how to build products that make them happy
  • Learn frameworks and principles that successful product designers use
  • Incorporate five states into every screen of your interface to improve conversions and reduce perceived loading times
  • Discover meeting techniques that Apple, Amazon, and LinkedIn use to help teams solve the right problems and make decisions faster
  • Design effective interfaces across different form factors by understanding how people hold devices and complete tasks
  • Learn how successful designers create working prototypes that capture essential customer feedback
  • Create habit-forming and emotionally engaging experiences, using the latest psychological research




- 瞭解您的客戶是誰,他們想要什麼,以及如何建立讓他們滿意的產品
- 學習成功的產品設計師使用的框架和原則
- 在界面的每個屏幕中加入五個狀態,以提高轉換率並減少感知的加載時間
- 發現蘋果、亞馬遜和LinkedIn等公司使用的會議技巧,以幫助團隊解決正確的問題並更快地做出決策
- 通過瞭解人們如何握持設備並完成任務,設計適用於不同形狀因素的有效界面
- 學習成功的設計師如何創建能夠捕捉到重要客戶反饋的工作原型
- 利用最新的心理研究創造形成習慣和情感參與的體驗