Git for Teams: A User-Centered Approach to Creating Efficient Workflows in Git (Paperback)
暫譯: 團隊使用的 Git:以使用者為中心的高效工作流程創建方法 (平裝本)

Emma Jane Hogbin Westby



You can do more with Git than just build software. This practical guide delivers a unique people-first approach to version control that also explains how using Git as a focal point can help your team work better together. You’ll learn how to plan and pursue a Git workflow that not only ensures that you accomplish project goals, but also fits the immediate needs and future growth of your team.

The first part of the book on structuring workflow is useful for project managers, technical team leads, and CTOs. The second part provides hands-on exercises to help developers gain a better understanding of Git commands.

  • Explore the dynamics of team building
  • Walk through the process of creating and deploying software with Git
  • Structure workflow to influence the way your team collaborates
  • Learn a useful process for conducting code reviews
  • Set up a shared repository and identify specific team members as contributors, consumers, or maintainers
  • Know the why behind the Git commands your teammates use
  • Use branching strategies to separate different approaches to your project
  • Examine popular collaboration platforms: GitHub, Bitbucket, and GitLab


您可以使用 Git 做的不僅僅是構建軟體。本實用指南提供了一種以人為本的版本控制獨特方法,並解釋了如何將 Git 作為焦點來幫助您的團隊更好地協作。您將學習如何規劃和追求一個 Git 工作流程,這不僅能確保您達成專案目標,還能符合團隊的即時需求和未來成長。

本書的第一部分關於工作流程的結構,對於專案經理、技術團隊負責人和首席技術官(CTO)非常有用。第二部分提供了實作練習,幫助開發人員更好地理解 Git 命令。

- 探索團隊建設的動態
- 逐步了解使用 Git 創建和部署軟體的過程
- 結構化工作流程以影響團隊的協作方式
- 學習進行代碼審查的有效流程
- 設置共享儲存庫並確定特定團隊成員作為貢獻者、消費者或維護者
- 知道您的團隊成員使用 Git 命令的原因
- 使用分支策略來區分專案的不同方法
- 檢視流行的協作平台:GitHub、Bitbucket 和 GitLab

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