R Packages (Paperback)
暫譯: R 套件 (平裝本)

Hadley Wickham



Turn your R code into packages that others can easily download and use. This practical book shows you how to bundle reusable R functions, sample data, and documentation together by applying author Hadley Wickham’s package development philosophy. In the process, you’ll work with devtools, a suite of R functions for automating common development tasks. Devtools encapsulates best practices that Hadley has learned from years of working with this programming language.

Ideal for developers, data scientists, and business analysts, this book starts you with the basics and shows you how to improve your package writing over time. You’ll learn to focus on what you want your package to do, rather than think about package structure.

  • Learn an R package’s most useful components, including vignettes and unit tests
  • Automate anything you can, and do as much as possible with functions
  • Get tips on good style, such as organizing functions into files
  • Streamline your development process with devtools
  • Submit your package to the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN)
  • Learn from a well-respected member of the R community who created 30 R packages, including ggplot2


將您的 R 代碼轉換為其他人可以輕鬆下載和使用的套件。本書提供實用的指導,教您如何通過應用作者 Hadley Wickham 的套件開發理念,將可重用的 R 函數、示例數據和文檔打包在一起。在此過程中,您將使用 devtools,這是一組用於自動化常見開發任務的 R 函數。Devtools 封裝了 Hadley 在多年使用這種程式語言中學到的最佳實踐。


- 學習 R 套件中最有用的組件,包括小冊子和單元測試
- 自動化您能做到的任何事情,並盡可能多地使用函數
- 獲取良好風格的提示,例如將函數組織到文件中
- 使用 devtools 簡化您的開發過程
- 將您的套件提交到綜合 R 存檔網絡 (CRAN)
- 向一位在 R 社區中備受尊敬的成員學習,他創建了 30 個 R 套件,包括 ggplot2