Designing for Performance: Weighing Aesthetics and Speed (Paperback) (性能設計:美學與速度的權衡)

Lara Callender Hogan




As a web designer, you encounter tough choices when it comes to weighing aesthetics and performance. Good content, layout, images, and interactivity are essential for engaging your audience, and each of these elements have an enormous impact on page load time and the end-user experience. In this practical book, Lara Hogan helps you approach projects with page speed in mind, showing you how to test and benchmark which design choices are most critical.

To get started, all you need are basic HTML and CSS skills and Photoshop experience.

Topics include:

  • The impact of page load time on your site, brand, and users
  • Page speed basics: how browsers retrieve and render content
  • Best practices for optimizing and loading images
  • How to clean up HTML and CSS, and optimize web fonts
  • Mobile-first design with performance goals by breakpoint
  • Using tools to measure performance as your site evolves
  • Methods for shaping an organization’s performance culture


作為一名網頁設計師,當你需要在美學和性能之間做出艱難的選擇時,你會遇到困境。良好的內容、版面設計、圖像和互動對於吸引觀眾至關重要,而這些元素對於頁面加載時間和最終用戶體驗有著巨大的影響。在這本實用的書中,Lara Hogan幫助你以頁面速度為重點來處理項目,並向你展示如何測試和評估哪些設計選擇最為關鍵。


- 頁面加載時間對於你的網站、品牌和用戶的影響
- 頁面速度基礎知識:瀏覽器如何檢索和渲染內容
- 優化和加載圖像的最佳實踐
- 如何清理HTML和CSS,並優化網頁字體
- 以斷點為目標的移動優先設計
- 使用工具在網站演進過程中測量性能
- 塑造組織性能文化的方法