Support Vector Machines (Information Science and Statistics)
暫譯: 支持向量機(資訊科學與統計學)
Ingo Steinwart, Andreas Christmann
- 出版商: Springer
- 出版日期: 2014-10-31
- 售價: $7,310
- 貴賓價: 9.5 折 $6,945
- 語言: 英文
- 頁數: 601
- 裝訂: Paperback
- ISBN: 1489989633
- ISBN-13: 9781489989635
機率統計學 Probability-and-statistics
Every mathematical discipline goes through three periods of development: the naive, the formal, and the critical. David Hilbert The goal of this book is to explain the principles that made support vector machines (SVMs) a successful modeling and prediction tool for a variety of applications. We try to achieve this by presenting the basic ideas of SVMs together with the latest developments and current research questions in a uni?ed style. In a nutshell, we identify at least three reasons for the success of SVMs: their ability to learn well with only a very small number of free parameters, their robustness against several types of model violations and outliers, and last but not least their computational e?ciency compared with several other methods. Although there are several roots and precursors of SVMs, these methods gained particular momentum during the last 15 years since Vapnik (1995, 1998) published his well-known textbooks on statistical learning theory with aspecialemphasisonsupportvectormachines. Sincethen,the?eldofmachine learninghaswitnessedintenseactivityinthestudyofSVMs,whichhasspread moreandmoretootherdisciplinessuchasstatisticsandmathematics. Thusit seems fair to say that several communities are currently working on support vector machines and on related kernel-based methods. Although there are many interactions between these communities, we think that there is still roomforadditionalfruitfulinteractionandwouldbegladifthistextbookwere found helpful in stimulating further research. Many of the results presented in this book have previously been scattered in the journal literature or are still under review. As a consequence, these results have been accessible only to a relativelysmallnumberofspecialists,sometimesprobablyonlytopeoplefrom one community but not the others.
本書的目標是解釋使支持向量機(Support Vector Machines, SVMs)成為各種應用中成功建模和預測工具的原則。我們試圖通過以統一的風格呈現 SVMs 的基本概念以及最新的發展和當前的研究問題來實現這一目標。簡而言之,我們確定了 SVMs 成功的至少三個原因:它們能夠在只有非常少量的自由參數下良好學習、對多種模型違規和異常值的魯棒性,以及與其他幾種方法相比的計算效率。儘管 SVMs 有多種根源和前驅,但這些方法在過去 15 年中獲得了特別的動力,自從 Vapnik(1995, 1998)發表了他著名的統計學習理論教科書,特別強調支持向量機以來。自那時以來,機器學習領域在 SVMs 的研究上經歷了激烈的活動,這一研究逐漸擴展到統計學和數學等其他學科。因此,可以公平地說,目前有多個社群正在研究支持向量機及相關的基於核的方法。儘管這些社群之間有許多互動,但我們認為仍然有額外的富有成效的互動空間,如果這本教科書能夠在促進進一步研究方面發揮作用,我們將感到高興。本書中呈現的許多結果之前散見於期刊文獻中,或仍在審稿中。因此,這些結果僅對相對少數的專家可及,有時可能僅對某一社群的人可見,而對其他社群則不然。