Quick Intro Guide to Computer Science 2 with C++: A Brief Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms

Mr. John P Baugh


This guide is for students, professionals, and anyone interested in getting their feet wet or reviewing common topics from a typical Computer Science 2 (Intro to Data Structures and Algorithms) course, using the C++ programming language. Be forewarned - this is an informal treatment of the subject. It's not a gigantic tome of every possible CS 2 topic, or an exhaustive thesis on algorithm analysis or data structures. It has brief, straight to the point code with concise but clear explanations, some visual aids, and a couple jokes. In other words, your stuffy CS professor will hate it. All the more reason to buy it! Topics include unordered and ordered lists, stacks, queues, and sorting with a short review of exception handling.


這本指南適用於學生、專業人士以及對於入門或複習典型的計算機科學2(資料結構和演算法入門)課程中常見主題感興趣的人,使用C++程式語言。請注意 - 這是對該主題的非正式處理。它不是一本包含所有可能的CS 2主題的巨著,也不是一篇關於演算法分析或資料結構的詳盡論文。它包含簡短、直接的程式碼,以簡潔但清晰的解釋,一些視覺輔助和一些笑話。換句話說,你那嚴肅的計算機科學教授會討厭它。這更是購買它的理由!主題包括無序和有序列表、堆疊、佇列以及排序,並簡要複習例外處理。