Coding Clean, Reliable, and Safe Rest APIs with ASP.NET Core 8: Develop Robust Minimal APIs with .Net 8
Giretti, Anthony
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You will learn what reflexes and mindset a developer must have to approach the development of an API of medium complexity. By performing CRUD operations on a SQL Server database, you will see how to set up a clean and reliable application with industry best practices (clean code, security, observability, optimization and testing).
After completing Coding Clean, Reliable, and Safe REST APIs with ASP.NET Core 8, you will be able to develop many kinds of APIs that require a senior developer level of knowledge and provide your customers with high-quality APIs.
You will:
- Discover the latest version of ASP.NET Core 8
- Code REST APIs with minimal APIs
- Become familiar with clean code principles
- Optimize performances with caching, background tasks and more
- Make APIs resilient by handling SQL and HttpClient transient errors
- Understand the importance of observability
- Implement Authentication and Authorization
- Grasp OWASP principles
- Protect sensitive data
- Master unit testing best practices
Anthony Giretti is a passionate developer who always likes to learn new technologies. He is a Microsoft MVP (awarded six times) and got certified in MCSD in 2016. He is a senior developer/architect at Marchex in Toronto, Canada. A specialist in Web technologies (17 years experience), including .NET, his expertise in IT and his passion for sharing his knowledge allows him to understand any web project and help other developers achieve their projects. He loves to deal with performance constraints, high availability, and optimization challenges.