Leveling Up with SQL: Advanced Techniques for Transforming Data Into Insights (Paperback)
暫譯: SQL 升級:數據轉換為洞察的進階技術 (平裝本)
Simon, Mark
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Learn to write SQL queries to select and analyze data, and improve your ability to manipulate data. This book will help you take your existing skills to the next level.
Author Mark Simon kicks things off with a quick review of basic SQL knowledge, followed by a demonstration of how efficient SQL databases are designed and how to extract just the right data from them. You'll then learn about each individual table's structure and how to work with the relationships between tables. As you progress through the book, you will learn more sophisticated techniques such as using common table expressions and subqueries, analyzing your data using aggregate and windowing functions, and how to save queries in the form of views and other methods. This book employs an accessible approach to work through a realistic sample, enabling you to learn concepts as they arise to improve parts of the database or to work with the data itself.
After completing this book, you will have a more thorough understanding of database structure and how to use advanced techniques to extract, manage, and analyze data.
What Will You Learn
- Gain a stronger understanding of database design principles, especially individual tables
- Understand the relationships between tables
- Utilize techniques such as views, subqueries, common table expressions, and windowing functions
Who Is This Book For:
SQL Databases users who want to improve their knowledge and techniques.
學習撰寫 SQL 查詢以選擇和分析數據,並提升您操作數據的能力。本書將幫助您將現有技能提升到更高的水平。
作者 Mark Simon 以快速回顧基本 SQL 知識開始,接著示範如何設計高效的 SQL 數據庫以及如何從中提取正確的數據。然後,您將學習每個表的結構以及如何處理表之間的關係。隨著您在書中的進展,您將學習更複雜的技術,例如使用公共表達式(common table expressions)和子查詢(subqueries),使用聚合(aggregate)和窗口函數(windowing functions)分析數據,以及如何以視圖(views)和其他方法保存查詢。本書採用易於理解的方法,通過現實的範例進行學習,使您能夠在概念出現時進行學習,以改善數據庫的某些部分或直接操作數據。
- 更深入理解數據庫設計原則,特別是各個表
- 理解表之間的關係
- 利用視圖(views)、子查詢(subqueries)、公共表達式(common table expressions)和窗口函數(windowing functions)等技術
希望提升知識和技術的 SQL 數據庫使用者。
Mark Simon has been involved in training and education since the beginning of his career. He started as a teacher of mathematics, but quickly pivoted into IT consultancy and training because computers are much easier to work with than high school students. He has worked with and trained in several programming and coding languages, and currently focuses mainly on web development and database languages. When not involved in work, you will generally find him listening to or playing music, reading, or just wandering about.
馬克·西蒙 自職業生涯開始以來一直參與培訓和教育。他最初是一名數學教師,但很快轉向 IT 諮詢和培訓,因為與電腦打交道比與高中生相處要容易得多。他曾經使用和教授多種程式設計和編碼語言,目前主要專注於網頁開發和資料庫語言。在不工作的時候,您通常會發現他在聆聽或演奏音樂、閱讀或隨意漫遊。