A Guide to UX Design and Development: Developer's Journey Through the UX Process
暫譯: UX 設計與開發指南:開發者的 UX 流程之旅
Green, Tom, Labrecque, Joseph
Gain a thorough understanding of the two pillars of any User Experience project: the mission and the process. The mission is to keep the user in mind at each step or milestone as the developer progresses through the project. The process is how that mission is accomplished through collaboration and the use of research, design and development technologies. This book walks you through a developer's journey through the UX process, from start to finish.
A Guide to UX Design and Development concentrates on the intersection of what is called "DesignOps" and "DevOps." That intersection is where collaboration between all members of the team, including stakeholders and clients, occurs and neither DesignOps nor DevOps can go beyond being considered just buzzwords if they instead silo design and development. To highlight the UX Mission and illustrate the responsibility developers also hold for the user experience, authors Tom Green and Joseph Labrecque take you through a hypothetical project involving the development of a parking app for a municipal parking authority. As the book progresses, they concentrate on the developer's journey through the whole project from discovery to product release. In this journey, you will see how developers can make an impact and contribute to the user experience.
This will include such topics as why there is a need for both a user journey map and a technical journey map. The authors explain why prototyping is not as complicated as it is made out to be because it is simply an early low-cost and disposable minimal viable product that gives the developer a deep understanding of the project's intent in support of the UX Mission. You will also explore the creation and use of design systems and why the developer's role is just as important as the people who create the design system. The role and responsibility of the developer in user testing is discussed in the context of a variety of testing and assessment methods conducted to achieve the UX mission.
Finally, you'll gain an understanding of how design and development deliverables are negotiated, prepared and sent out for research at each step of the process, and how the developer is involved.
What You Will Learn
- Understand the evolving role of the developer in a team-based environment
- Learn the five stages of the UX process
- Discover the importance of collaboration and communication with stakeholders, designers, and developers at every stage of the process
- Learn a variety of design and development documents created during the UX process
Who This Book Is For
Developers and designers involved in the UX Process, as well as developers trying to make sense of the confusing amount of information out there regarding their role in the UX process.商品描述(中文翻譯)
UX 設計與開發指南 專注於所謂的「DesignOps」與「DevOps」的交集。這一交集是團隊所有成員,包括利益相關者和客戶之間協作的地方,如果 DesignOps 和 DevOps 只是將設計和開發孤立起來,那麼它們就無法超越僅僅被視為流行詞。為了強調 UX 使命並說明開發者在使用者體驗中所承擔的責任,作者 Tom Green 和 Joseph Labrecque 帶您走過一個假設的專案,該專案涉及為市政停車管理局開發一個停車應用程式。隨著書籍的進展,他們專注於開發者在整個專案中的旅程,從發現到產品發布。在這段旅程中,您將看到開發者如何產生影響並為使用者體驗做出貢獻。
這將包括為什麼需要使用者旅程圖和技術旅程圖等主題。作者解釋了為什麼原型設計並不像人們所想的那麼複雜,因為它只是一個早期的低成本和可丟棄的最小可行產品,能讓開發者深入理解專案的意圖,以支持 UX 使命。您還將探索設計系統的創建和使用,以及為什麼開發者的角色與創建設計系統的人同樣重要。在使用者測試中,開發者的角色和責任將在各種測試和評估方法的背景下進行討論,以實現 UX 使命。
- 了解開發者在團隊環境中不斷演變的角色
- 學習 UX 過程的五個階段
- 發現與利益相關者、設計師和開發者在過程每個階段進行協作和溝通的重要性
- 學習在 UX 過程中創建的各種設計和開發文件
參與 UX 過程的開發者和設計師,以及試圖理解有關他們在 UX 過程中角色的混亂資訊的開發者。作者簡介
Tom Green is a retired Professor of Interactive Multimedia through the School of Media Studies and IT at the Humber Institute of Technology and Advanced Education in Toronto, Canada. He has created over a dozen UX-based courses for LinkedIn Learning. One course--UX Design for Non-Designers, released 2 years ago--has been completed by over 35,000 learners throughout the world. Tom has written numerous books on UX design software for, among others, Apress, Que, Pearson Education, friendsofED, and New Riders. Along with his work with LinkedIn Learning, Tom has developed video-based training courses for Infinite Skills, Envato, Video2Brain, and others. He was the Graphics Software expert with the former About.com and has written hundreds of articles and tutorials for a variety of magazines and websites over the past 20 years. He has spoken and lectured at more than 50 international conferences and over a dozen universities throughout China and the U.S., including the University of Wisconsin, the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing, WuHan Institute of Technology, and Shenzhen Polytechnic. In his spare time, you can catch him hiking a local trail or paddling across a lake in Northern Ontario.
Joseph Labrecque is a creative developer, designer, and educator with nearly two decades of experience creating expressive web, desktop, and mobile solutions. He joined the University of Colorado Boulder College of Media, Communication, and Information as faculty with the Department of Advertising, Public Relations and Media Design in Autumn 2019. His teaching focuses on creative software, digital workflows, user interaction, and design principles and concepts. Before joining the faculty at CU Boulder, he was associated with the University of Denver as adjunct faculty and as a senior interactive software engineer, user interface developer, and digital media designer. Labrecque has authored a number of books and video course publications on design and development technologies, tools, and concepts through publishers which include LinkedIn Learning, Apress, Peachpit, Packt, and Adobe. He has spoken at large design and technology conferences such as Adobe MAX and for a variety of smaller creative communities. He is also the founder of Fractured Vision Media, LLC, a digital media production studio and distribution vehicle for a variety of creative works. Joseph is an Adobe Education Leader, Adobe Community Expert, and member of Adobe Partners by Design. He holds a bachelor's degree in communication from Worcester State University and a master's degree in digital media studies from the University of Denver.
湯姆·格林是加拿大多倫多亨伯科技與高等教育學院媒體研究與資訊科技學院的退休互動多媒體教授。他為LinkedIn Learning創建了十多門以用戶體驗(UX)為基礎的課程。其中一門課程——《非設計師的UX設計》,於兩年前發布,已經有超過35,000名學習者完成。湯姆為多家出版社撰寫了許多有關UX設計軟體的書籍,包括Apress、Que、Pearson Education、friendsofED和New Riders。除了在LinkedIn Learning的工作外,湯姆還為Infinite Skills、Envato、Video2Brain等開發了基於視頻的培訓課程。他曾是前About.com的圖形軟體專家,並在過去20年中為各種雜誌和網站撰寫了數百篇文章和教程。他在中國和美國的50多個國際會議以及十多所大學(包括威斯康星大學、北京中央美術學院、武漢理工大學和深圳職業技術學院)上發表過演講和講座。在空閒時間,你可以看到他在當地小徑上健行或在安大略北部的湖泊上划船。
拉布雷克通過包括LinkedIn Learning、Apress、Peachpit、Packt和Adobe在內的出版社,撰寫了多本有關設計和開發技術、工具和概念的書籍和視頻課程出版物。他曾在Adobe MAX等大型設計和技術會議上發表演講,並為各種較小的創意社群演講。他還是Fractured Vision Media, LLC的創始人,這是一家數位媒體製作工作室和各種創意作品的發行平台。
約瑟夫是Adobe教育領袖、Adobe社群專家以及Adobe Partners by Design的成員。他擁有伍斯特州立大學的傳播學學士學位和丹佛大學的數位媒體研究碩士學位。