Pro Spring 6 with Kotlin: An In-Depth Guide to Using Kotlin APIs in Spring Framework 6

Späth, Peter, Cosmina, Iuliana, Harrop, Rob

  • 出版商: Apress
  • 出版日期: 2023-09-10
  • 定價: $2,200
  • 售價: 8.5$1,870 (限時優惠至 2024-10-31)
  • 語言: 英文
  • 頁數: 929
  • 裝訂: Quality Paper - also called trade paper
  • ISBN: 1484295560
  • ISBN-13: 9781484295564
  • 相關分類: JVM 語言Java 相關技術
  • 立即出貨 (庫存=1)



Master the fundamentals of Spring Framework 6 while learning from the real-world experiences of Spring experts. Over the course of this book, you'll learn how to leverage Spring 6 in tandem with the Kotlin programming language to build complex enterprise applications from top to bottom. From monoliths to cloud native apps for streaming microservices, you'll gain insight into every aspect of the process, including transactions, data access, persistence, and web and presentation tiers.

As you progress through the book, the authors demonstrate how to run Kotlin with a single command, deploy new utility methods in String class, use Local-Variable Syntax for Lambda Parameters Nested Based Access Control, read/write strings to and from files, and using Flight Recorder. Also, a whole new generation of dependencies are available, and you'll see exactly how to make optimal use of them. A full sample application will show you how to apply Spring 6's new tools and techniques and see how they work together.

After reading this comprehensive book, you'll be ready to build your own Spring applications using Kotlin.

What You Will Learn

  • Explore what's new in Spring Framework 6 and the Kotlin APIs it supports
  • Leverage a new generation of dependencies
  • Build complex enterprise monoliths, cloud-native applications, and microservices
  • Master data access, persistence, and transactions
  • Use with Spring Batch, Integration, and other key Spring modules
  • Integrate Spring 6 with Hibernate and other third party APIs and packages

Who This Book Is For

Experienced Kotlin and Java software developers and programmers. Some previous experience with Spring is highly recommended.


精通 Spring Framework 6 的基礎知識,同時從 Spring 專家的實戰經驗中學習。在本書的過程中,您將學習如何與 Kotlin 編程語言一起使用 Spring 6,從頭到尾構建複雜的企業應用程序。從單體應用到雲原生應用程序,包括流式微服務,您將深入了解整個過程的每個方面,包括事務、數據訪問、持久性以及 Web 和演示層。

隨著您閱讀本書的進展,作者將演示如何使用單個命令運行 Kotlin,部署新的實用方法到 String 類中,使用局部變量語法來進行 Lambda 參數嵌套基於訪問控制,讀/寫字符串到文件中,以及使用 Flight Recorder。此外,還有一整套全新的依賴項可供使用,您將了解如何最佳地使用它們。一個完整的示例應用程序將向您展示如何應用 Spring 6 的新工具和技術,以及它們如何協同工作。

閱讀完這本全面的書籍後,您將準備好使用 Kotlin 構建自己的 Spring 應用程序。

- 探索 Spring Framework 6 中的新功能以及它支持的 Kotlin API
- 利用新一代的依賴項
- 構建複雜的企業單體應用程序、雲原生應用程序和微服務
- 掌握數據訪問、持久性和事務
- 與 Spring Batch、Integration 和其他關鍵的 Spring 模塊一起使用
- 將 Spring 6 集成到 Hibernate 和其他第三方 API 和套件中

本書適合對 Kotlin 和 Java 軟件開發人員有經驗的開發人員和程序員。強烈建議具有一些 Spring 的先前經驗。


Peter Späth graduated in 2002 as a physicist and soon afterward became an IT consultant, mainly for Java-related projects. In 2016, he decided to concentrate on writing books on various aspects, but with a main focus on software development. With two books about graphics and sound processing, three books on Android app development, and several books on Kotlin, Java and Jakarta EE development, the author continues his effort in writing software development-related literature.

Iuliana Cosmina is a Spring Certified Web Developer and a Spring Certified Core Spring Professional. She is a Spring certified expert, as defined by Pivotal, the makers of Spring Framework, Boot and other tools. She has authored books with Apress on Core Spring certification and Spring Certified web development. She is a Lead Engineer at Cloudsoft, Edinburgh and is an active coder and software contributor on Apache Brooklyn, GitHub, StackOverflow and more.

Rob Harrop is a software consultant specializing in delivering high-performance, highly-scalable enterprise applications. He is an experienced architect with a particular flair for understanding and solving complex design issues. With a thorough knowledge of both Java and .NET, Harrop has successfully deployed projects across both platforms. He also has extensive experience across a variety of sectors, retail and government in particular. Harrop is the author of five books, including Pro Spring, a widely-acclaimed, comprehensive resource on the Spring Framework.

Chris Schaefer is a Principle Software Developer for Spring project at Pivotal, the makers of Spring Framework, Boot and other Spring tools.

Clarence Ho is the Senior Java Architect of a HK-based software consultancy firm, SkywideSoft Technology Limited. Having been worked in the IT field for over 20 years, Clarence had been the team leader of many in-house application development projects, as well as providing consultancy services on enterprise solutions to clients.


Peter Späth於2002年以物理學家的身份畢業,不久後成為一名IT顧問,主要從事與Java相關的項目。2016年,他決定專注於撰寫關於各個方面的書籍,但主要集中在軟體開發上。作者已經出版了兩本關於圖形和音頻處理的書籍,三本關於Android應用程式開發的書籍,以及幾本關於Kotlin、Java和Jakarta EE開發的書籍,持續努力撰寫與軟體開發相關的文學作品。

Iuliana Cosmina是一位Spring認證的Web開發人員和Spring認證的核心Spring專業人員。她是Spring認證專家,由Spring Framework、Boot和其他工具的製造商Pivotal所定義。她在Apress出版了關於核心Spring認證和Spring認證Web開發的書籍。她是愛丁堡Cloudsoft的首席工程師,是Apache Brooklyn、GitHub、StackOverflow等平台上的活躍程式碼編寫者和軟體貢獻者。

Rob Harrop是一位軟體顧問,專門提供高性能、高可擴展性的企業應用程式。他是一位經驗豐富的架構師,對於理解和解決複雜的設計問題有特殊的眼光。Harrop對Java和.NET都有深入的了解,成功地在兩個平台上部署了項目。他還在零售和政府等多個行業擁有豐富的經驗。Harrop是五本書的作者,其中包括廣受好評的綜合資源《Pro Spring》。

Chris Schaefer是Pivotal的Spring項目的首席軟體開發人員,Pivotal是Spring Framework、Boot和其他Spring工具的製造商。

Clarence Ho是香港軟體顧問公司SkywideSoft Technology Limited的高級Java架構師。Clarence在IT領域工作超過20年,曾擔任多個內部應用程式開發項目的團隊領導,並為客戶提供企業解決方案的諮詢服務。