Pro Cryptography and Cryptanalysis with C++23: Creating and Programming Advanced Algorithms

Mihailescu, Marius Iulian, Nita, Stefania Loredana



Develop strong skills for writing cryptographic algorithms and security schemes/modules using C++23 and its new features. This book will teach you the right methods for writing advanced cryptographic algorithms, such as elliptic curve cryptography algorithms, lattice-based cryptography, searchable encryption, and homomorphic encryption. You'll also examine internal cryptographic mechanisms and discover common ways in which the algorithms can be implemented and used correctly in practice.

The authors explain the mathematical basis of cryptographic algorithms in terms that a programmer can easily understand. They also show how "bad" cryptography can creep in during implementation and what "good" cryptography should look like by comparing advantages and disadvantages based on processing time, execution time, and reliability.


What You Will Learn

  • Discover what modern cryptographic algorithms and methods are used for
  • Design and implement advanced cryptographic mechanisms
  • See how C++23 and its new features are impact the implementation of cryptographic algorithms
  • Practice the basics of public key cryptography, including ECDSA signatures and more
  • See how most of the algorithms can be broken

Who This Book Is For

Professional programmers, developers, and software engineers who are developing cryptography algorithms and security schemes/modules in C++. Prior C++ programming and IDE experience and some basic experience of cryptography concepts (symmetric and asymmetric) highly recommended.





- 了解現代加密算法和方法的應用
- 設計和實現高級加密機制
- 瞭解C++23及其新功能對加密算法實現的影響
- 學習公鑰加密的基礎知識,包括ECDSA簽名等
- 瞭解大多數算法可能被破解的方法



Marius Iulian Mihailescu, PhD is CEO at Dapyx Solution Ltd., a company based in Bucharest, Romania and involved in information security- and cryptography-related research projects. He is a lead guest editor for applied cryptography journals and a reviewer for multiple publications with information security and cryptography profiles. He authored and co-authored more than 30 articles in conference proceedings, 25 articles in journals, and three books. For more than six years he has served as a lecturer at well-known national and international universities (University of Bucharest, "Titu Maiorescu" University, Kadir Has University in, Istanbul, Turkey). He has taught courses on programming languages (C#, Java, C++, Haskell), and object-oriented system analysis and design with UML, graphs, databases, cryptography and information security. He served for three years as IT officer at Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. where he dealt with IT infrastructure, data security, and satellite communications systems. He received his PhD in 2014 and his thesis was on applied cryptography over biometrics data. He holds two MSc in information security and software engineering.

Stefania Loredana Nita, PhD is a software developer at the Institute of Computer Science of the Romanian Academy and a PhD with her thesis on advanced cryptographic schemes using searchable encryption and homomorphic encryption. She has served more than two years as an assistant lecturer at the University of Bucharest where she taught courses on subjects such as advanced programming techniques, simulation methods, and operating systems. She has authored and co-authored more than 15 workpapers at conferences and journals, and has authored two books on he Haskell programming language. She is a lead guest editor for special issues on information security and cryptography such as Advanced Cryptography and Its Future: Searchable and Homomorphic Encryption. She holds an MSc in software engineering and two BSc in computer science and mathematics.


Marius Iulian Mihailescu, 博士,是位於羅馬尼亞布加勒斯特的Dapyx Solution Ltd.的首席執行官,該公司從事與資訊安全和密碼學相關的研究項目。他是應用密碼學期刊的主編和多個資訊安全和密碼學相關出版物的審稿人。他在會議論文中撰寫和合著了30多篇文章,在期刊中撰寫了25篇文章,並出版了三本書籍。他在知名國內外大學(布加勒斯特大學、'Titu Maiorescu'大學、土耳其伊斯坦布爾的Kadir Has大學)擔任講師超過六年。他教授過程式語言(C#、Java、C ++、Haskell),以及面向對象的系統分析和設計(使用UML、圖形、數據庫、密碼學和資訊安全)。他在皇家加勒比郵輪有限公司擔任IT官員三年,負責IT基礎設施、數據安全和衛星通信系統。他於2014年獲得博士學位,論文研究應用於生物特徵數據的密碼學。他擁有兩個碩士學位,分別是資訊安全和軟體工程。

Stefania Loredana Nita, 博士,是羅馬尼亞科學院計算機科學研究所的軟體開發人員,她的博士論文研究了使用可搜索加密和同態加密的先進密碼方案。她在布加勒斯特大學擔任助理講師超過兩年,教授高級編程技術、模擬方法和操作系統等課程。她在會議和期刊上撰寫和合著了15多篇論文,並撰寫了兩本關於Haskell編程語言的書籍。她是資訊安全和密碼學特刊的主編,例如《先進密碼學及其未來:可搜索和同態加密》。她擁有軟體工程碩士學位和計算機科學和數學兩個學士學位。