Introductory Programs with the 32-Bit PIC Microcontroller: A Line-By-Line Code Analysis and Reference Guide for Embedded Programming in C
暫譯: 32位PIC微控制器入門程式:逐行程式碼分析與C語言嵌入式編程參考指南
Ward, Hubert
A one-stop reference for the would-be embedded programmer, you'll explore the electronics needed for a variety of programs as well as how to use different devices with the PIC. The book starts with downloading the environment and creating a simple project, one that uses different oscillators, Phase Lock Loop, and circuitry needed to create the different system clocks--an easy entry point to this exciting environment. You'll also review the MPLABX integrated development environment (IDE) and see how to program the 32Bit PIC, which can be adapted to different PICs.
Throughout subsequent chapters, you'll learn how to use a range of programs that use PIC modules such as the SPI, I2C, UART communication modules, the ADC module, the Capture, Compare, and Pulse Width Modulation module, and the RTCC, Real Time Clock and Calendar Module.
What You'll Learn
- Create a project in MPLABX
- Configure the different clock frequencies that are used in the 32bit PIC
- Build a variable delay subroutine to be used in a simple traffic lights program
- Use the MAX 7219 driver IC to control the 8by8 matrix display
- Program an I2C expander module to control the display on a LCD
Who This Book Is For
Readers who want to try their hand at embedded programming, newcomers to programming the PIC 32, programmers who want to look into using MPLAB Harmony 3, and programmers who want to understand how C instructions work with respect to 32bit PIC. Also students who are studying for an engineering qualification.
這是一本針對未來嵌入式程式設計師的一站式參考書,您將探索各種程式所需的電子元件,以及如何使用不同的設備與PIC進行互動。本書從下載開發環境和創建一個簡單的專案開始,這個專案將使用不同的振盪器、相位鎖定迴路(Phase Lock Loop)和所需的電路來創建不同的系統時鐘——這是一個進入這個令人興奮的環境的簡單切入點。您還將回顧MPLABX整合開發環境(IDE),並了解如何編程32位元PIC,這可以適應不同的PIC。
- 在MPLABX中創建專案
- 配置32位元PIC中使用的不同時鐘頻率
- 建立一個可變延遲的子程式,用於簡單的交通燈程式
- 使用MAX 7219驅動IC控制8x8矩陣顯示器
- 編程I2C擴展模組以控制LCD顯示器
希望嘗試嵌入式程式設計的讀者、對PIC 32編程感興趣的新手、想要了解如何使用MPLAB Harmony 3的程式設計師,以及希望理解C指令如何與32位元PIC協同工作的程式設計師。同時也適合正在學習工程資格的學生。
Hubert Ward has nearly 25 years of experience as a college lecturer delivering the BTEC, and now Pearson's, Higher National Certificate and Higher Diploma in Electrical & Electronic Engineering. Hubert has a 2.1 Honours Bachelor's Degree in Electrical & Electronic Engineering. Hubert has also worked as a consultant in embedded programming. His work has established his expertise in the assembler and C programming languages, within the MPLAB X IDE from Microchip, as well as designing electronic circuits, and PCBs, using ECAD software. Hubert was also the UK technical expert in Mechatronics for three years, training the UK team and taking them to enter in the Skills Olympics in Seoul 2001, resulting in one of the best outcomes to date for the UK in Mechatronics.
Hubert Ward 擁有近 25 年的經驗,擔任大學講師教授 BTEC,以及現在的 Pearson 高級國家證書和高級文憑課程,專注於電氣與電子工程。Hubert 擁有電氣與電子工程的 2.1 榮譽學士學位。他也曾擔任嵌入式程式設計的顧問,並在此領域建立了自己的專業知識,尤其是在 Microchip 的 MPLAB X IDE 中使用組合語言和 C 語言。此外,他還使用 ECAD 軟體設計電子電路和印刷電路板 (PCB)。Hubert 也曾擔任英國機電一體化的技術專家三年,培訓英國團隊並帶領他們參加 2001 年在首爾舉行的技能奧林匹克,為英國在機電一體化領域取得了迄今為止最佳的成果之一。