PHP 8 for Absolute Beginners: Basic Web Site and Web Application Development
暫譯: PHP 8 給完全初學者的指南:基本網站與網頁應用程式開發
Lengstorf, Jason, Blom Hansen, Thomas, Prettyman, Steve
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Embark on a practical journey of building dynamic sites aided by multiple projects that can be easily adapted to real-world scenarios. This third edition will show you how to become a confident PHP developer, ready to take the next steps to being a Full Stack Developer and/or successful website or web application programmer.
You won't be swamped with every detail of the full PHP language up front - instead, you'll be introduced to a small, versatile subset of PHP by learning to use it creatively to develop dynamic projects. You will see how to use variables, control structures, functions, and object-oriented programming. Secure programming techniques are used throughout the book to demonstrate the proper way to defend against hackers. You will learn how to plan and create MySQL/MariaDB databases and access them using PHP. During this process, you will be introduced to data objects, UI design concepts, and design patterns. Model-View-Controller (MVC) methodology will be used to keep a consistent logical design for each project.
Four main projects will be introduced: an image gallery, a blogging system, a data management dashboard, and an interactive game. Initially, a general discussion of how operating systems make programming easier, more reliable, and efficient will be provided. A brief example will follow to demonstrate installation of the latest versions of Apache, PHP, and MySQL/MariaDB. Basic PHP logic will be used during the development of the first project, an image gallery. Once these concepts have been absorbed, a further review of additional concepts of PHP 8 will be discussed, followed by an extensive blogging system will use MVC to reinforce and introduce additional PHP techniques. You'll also discover the use of Google Charts to create a data management dashboard. Finally, you'll explore arrays in more depth by developing logic for a checkers game. Along the way, exercises and projects are provided to reinforce what has been learned.
What You'll Learn
- Explore the basics of PHP syntax, structures, functions, modules and more
- Design and develop of interactive UIs
- Build dynamic UIs using SQL to access MySQL/MariaDB Databases
- Understand the development of secure and efficient Object-Oriented classes and objects Apply the knowledge learned when creating four real-world PHP projects
Who This Book Is For
Aspiring web developers and designers who are new to web development and/or PHP; programmers who are new to PHP and even programming itself.
開始一段實用的旅程,透過多個專案來建立動態網站,這些專案可以輕鬆適應現實世界的情境。本書的第三版將教你如何成為一位自信的 PHP 開發者,準備好邁向全端開發者和/或成功的網站或網頁應用程式程式設計師的下一步。
你不會一開始就被 PHP 語言的每一個細節淹沒——相反地,你將透過學習創意地使用一小部分多功能的 PHP 來開發動態專案。你將學會如何使用變數、控制結構、函數和物件導向程式設計。本書中將貫穿使用安全程式設計技術,以示範防範駭客的正確方法。你將學習如何規劃和創建 MySQL/MariaDB 資料庫,並使用 PHP 訪問它們。在這個過程中,你將接觸到資料物件、使用者介面設計概念和設計模式。將使用模型-視圖-控制器(Model-View-Controller, MVC)方法論來保持每個專案的一致邏輯設計。
將介紹四個主要專案:一個圖片畫廊、一個部落格系統、一個資料管理儀表板和一個互動遊戲。最初將提供一個關於作業系統如何使程式設計變得更簡單、更可靠和更高效的一般討論。接著將提供一個簡短的範例,示範如何安裝最新版本的 Apache、PHP 和 MySQL/MariaDB。在開發第一個專案——圖片畫廊的過程中,將使用基本的 PHP 邏輯。一旦這些概念被吸收,將進一步回顧 PHP 8 的其他概念,隨後將使用 MVC 來強化並介紹額外的 PHP 技術,開發一個廣泛的部落格系統。你還將發現如何使用 Google Charts 來創建資料管理儀表板。最後,通過為跳棋遊戲開發邏輯,深入探索陣列。在這個過程中,將提供練習和專案來加強所學的內容。
- 探索 PHP 語法、結構、函數、模組等的基本知識
- 設計和開發互動式使用者介面
- 使用 SQL 訪問 MySQL/MariaDB 資料庫來建立動態使用者介面
- 理解安全且高效的物件導向類別和物件的開發
- 在創建四個現實世界的 PHP 專案時應用所學知識
對網頁開發和/或 PHP 新手的有志網頁開發者和設計師;對 PHP 甚至程式設計本身新手的程式設計師。
Thomas Blom Hansen has extensive experience teaching web programming in the Digital section of the Copenhagen School of Design and Technology. When he is not teaching, you can find Thomas fly-fishing for sea-run brown trout in the coastal waters around Denmark or possibly hiking some wilderness area in southern Scandinavia. Thomas lives in a small village with his wife, three kids, too few fly rods, and a lightweight camping hammock
Steve Prettyman is a college instructor on PHP programming, web development, and related technologies. He is and has been a practicing web developer and is a book author. He has authored several books on PHP including Learn PHP 7 and PHP Arrays for Apress.
Jason Lengstorf 是來自俄勒岡州波特蘭的技術狂熱者。他在青少年晚期開始建立網站,因為他的樂隊無法負擔請人來做這件事,並且在意識到他的樂隊其實並不太好之後,他繼續建立網站。自2007年以來,他一直是一名全職自由職業的網頁開發者,並在名為 Copter Labs 的品牌下擴展他的業務,現在這是一個分散式的自由職業者集體,全球約有10名自由職業者在忙碌。他也是《PHP for Absolute Beginners》和《Pro PHP and jQuery》的作者。
Thomas Blom Hansen 在哥本哈根設計與技術學院的數位部門擁有豐富的網頁程式設計教學經驗。當他不在教學時,你可以找到 Thomas 在丹麥沿海水域釣捕洄游的棕鱒,或者可能在南斯堪地那維亞的某個荒野地區健行。Thomas 與他的妻子、三個孩子、太少的飛釣竿和一個輕便的露營吊床住在一個小村莊裡。
Steve Prettyman 是一名大學講師,教授 PHP 程式設計、網頁開發及相關技術。他是一名實踐中的網頁開發者,也是書籍作者。他已經撰寫了幾本有關 PHP 的書籍,包括《Learn PHP 7》和《PHP Arrays》為 Apress 出版。