R 4 Quick Syntax Reference: A Pocket Guide to the Language, API's and Library
暫譯: R 4 快速語法參考:語言、API 和函式庫的口袋指南
Tollefson, Margot
This handy reference book detailing the intricacies of R covers version 4.x features, including numerous and significant changes to syntax, strings, reference counting, grid units, and more.
Starting with the basic structure of R, the book takes you on a journey through the terminology used in R and the syntax required to make R work. You will find looking up the correct form for an expression quick and easy. Some of the new material includes information on RStudio, S4 syntax, working with character strings, and an example using the Twitter API.
With a copy of the R 4 Quick Syntax Reference in hand, you will find that you are able to use the multitude of functions available in R and are even able to write your own functions to explore and analyze data.
What You Will Learn
- Discover the modes and classes of R objects and how to use them
- Use both packaged and user-created functions in R
- Import/export data and create new data objects in R
- Create descriptive functions and manipulate objects in R
- Take advantage of flow control and conditional statements
- Work with packages such as base, stats, and graphics
Who This Book Is For
Those with programming experience, either new to R, or those with at least some exposure to R but who are new to the latest version.
這本實用的參考書詳細介紹了 R 的複雜性,涵蓋了 4.x 版本的特性,包括語法、字串、參考計數、網格單位等方面的許多重要變更。
本書從 R 的基本結構開始,帶您了解 R 中使用的術語以及使 R 運作所需的語法。您會發現查找表達式的正確形式既快速又簡單。一些新材料包括有關 RStudio、S4 語法、處理字元字串的資訊,以及使用 Twitter API 的範例。
擁有《R 4 快速語法參考》後,您將能夠使用 R 中可用的眾多函數,甚至能夠編寫自己的函數來探索和分析數據。
- 探索 R 物件的模式和類別以及如何使用它們
- 在 R 中使用打包的和用戶創建的函數
- 在 R 中導入/導出數據並創建新的數據物件
- 創建描述性函數並操作 R 中的物件
- 利用流程控制和條件語句
- 使用 base、stats 和 graphics 等套件
適合具有程式設計經驗的人,無論是新接觸 R 的人,還是對 R 有一定了解但對最新版本不熟悉的人。
Margot Tollefson is a self-employed consulting statistician residing in the tiny town of Stratford in the corn and soybean fields of north-central Iowa. She started using the S-Plus language in the early 1990s and was happy to switch to R about ten years ago. Margot enjoys writing her own functions in R - to do plots and simulations, as well as to implement custom modeling and use published statistical methods. She earned her graduate degrees in statistics from Iowa State University in Ames, Iowa.
Margot Tollefson 是一位自僱的顧問統計學家,居住在愛荷華州中北部的斯特拉特福小鎮,周圍環繞著玉米和大豆田。她在1990年代初開始使用 S-Plus 語言,並在約十年前愉快地轉向使用 R。Margot 喜歡在 R 中編寫自己的函數,以進行繪圖和模擬,並實現自訂建模以及使用已發表的統計方法。她在愛荷華州立大學(Iowa State University)獲得了統計學的研究生學位。
Part 1: R Basics1. Downloading R and Setting Up a File System2. The R Prompt3. Assignments and Operators
Part 2: Kinds of Objects4. Modes of Objects5. Classes of Objects
Part 3: Functions6. Packaged Functions7. User Created Functions8. How to Use a Function
Part 4: I/O and Manipulating Objects9. Importing/Creating Data10. Exporting from R11. Descriptive Functions and Manipulating Objects
Part 5: Flow control12. Flow Control13. Examples of Flow Control14. The Functions ifelse() and switch()
Part 6: Some Common Functions, Packages and Techniques15. Some Common Functions16. The Packages base, stats and graphics17. The Tricks of the Trade
Part 1: R Basics1. Downloading R and Setting Up a File System2. The R Prompt3. Assignments and Operators
Part 2: Kinds of Objects4. Modes of Objects5. Classes of Objects
Part 3: Functions6. Packaged Functions7. User Created Functions8. How to Use a Function
Part 4: I/O and Manipulating Objects9. Importing/Creating Data10. Exporting from R11. Descriptive Functions and Manipulating Objects
Part 5: Flow control12. Flow Control13. Examples of Flow Control14. The Functions ifelse() and switch()
Part 6: Some Common Functions, Packages and Techniques15. Some Common Functions16. The Packages base, stats and graphics17. The Tricks of the Trade