Beginning Hibernate 6: Java Persistence from Beginner to Pro
暫譯: Hibernate 6 入門:從初學者到專家的 Java 持久化技術
Ottinger, Joseph B., Linwood, Jeff, Minter, Dave
Get started with Hibernate, an open source Java persistence layer and gain a clear introduction to the current standard for object-relational persistence in Java. This updated edition includes the new Hibernate 6.0 framework which covers new configuration, new object relational mapping changes, and enhanced integration with the more general Spring, Boot and Quarkus and other Java frameworks.
The book keeps its focus on Hibernate without wasting time on nonessential third-party tools, so you'll be able to immediately start building transaction-based engines and applications. Experienced authors Joseph Ottinger with Dave Minter and Jeff Linwood provide more in-depth examples than any other book for Hibernate beginners. They present their material in a lively, example-based manner--not a dry, theoretical, hard-to-read fashion.What You'll Learn
- Build enterprise Java-based transaction-type applications that access complex data with Hibernate
- Work with Hibernate 6 using a present-day build process
- Integrate into the persistence life cycle
- Search and query with the new version of Hibernate
- Keep track of versioned data with Hibernate Envers
Who This Book Is For
Programmers experienced in Java with databases (the traditional, or connected, approach), but new to open-source, lightweight Hibernate.
開始使用 Hibernate,這是一個開源的 Java 持久層,並獲得對 Java 中物件關聯持久性的當前標準的清晰介紹。這個更新版包含了新的 Hibernate 6.0 框架,涵蓋了新的配置、新的物件關聯映射變更,以及與更通用的 Spring、Boot 和 Quarkus 及其他 Java 框架的增強整合。
本書專注於 Hibernate,沒有浪費時間在不必要的第三方工具上,因此您可以立即開始構建基於交易的引擎和應用程式。經驗豐富的作者 Joseph Ottinger 與 Dave Minter 和 Jeff Linwood 提供了比其他任何 Hibernate 初學者書籍更深入的範例。他們以生動、基於範例的方式呈現材料,而不是枯燥、理論性強、難以閱讀的風格。
- 使用 Hibernate 構建企業級 Java 交易型應用程式,訪問複雜數據
- 使用當前的構建過程操作 Hibernate 6
- 整合到持久性生命週期中
- 使用新版本的 Hibernate 進行搜索和查詢
- 使用 Hibernate Envers 跟蹤版本化數據
對 Java 和數據庫(傳統或連接方式)有經驗的程式設計師,但對開源、輕量級的 Hibernate 新手。
Jeff Linwood has been involved in software programming since he had a 286 in high school. He got caught up with the Internet when he got access to a UNIX shell account, and it has been downhill ever since. Jeff has published articles on several Jakarta Apache open source projects in Dr. Dobb's Journal, CNET's, and JavaWorld. Jeff also co-authored Professional Struts Applications, Building Portals with the Java Portlet API, and Pro Hibernate 3. He was a technical reviewer for Enterprise Java Development on a Budget and Extreme Programming with Ant.
Dave Minter has adored computers since he was small enough to play in the boxes they came in. He built his first PC from discarded, faulty, and obsolete components, and considers that to be the foundation of his career as an integration consultant. Dave is based in London, where he helps large and small companies build systems that "just work." He co-authored Building Portals with the Java Portlet API and Pro Hibernate 3.
Joseph B. Ottinger 是一位專業的軟體開發者、程式設計師和程式員。他曾擔任 GigaSpaces 的技術傳道者以及 Red Hat 的首席工程師。他是 TheServerSide-dot-com 的主編。他是 Apress 出版的《Hibernate Recipes》和《Beginning Hibernate》的作者,並且還撰寫了其他書籍和文章。
Jeff Linwood 自從高中時期擁有一台 286 電腦以來便開始從事軟體程式設計。他在獲得 UNIX shell 帳號後便開始接觸網際網路,從此一發不可收拾。Jeff 在 Dr. Dobb's Journal、CNET 的 和 JavaWorld 上發表了多篇有關幾個 Jakarta Apache 開源專案的文章。他還共同撰寫了《Professional Struts Applications》、《Building Portals with the Java Portlet API》和《Pro Hibernate 3》。他曾擔任《Enterprise Java Development on a Budget》和《Extreme Programming with Ant》的技術審稿人。
Dave Minter 從小就熱愛電腦,甚至小到可以在電腦包裝盒裡玩耍。他用廢棄的、故障的和過時的元件組裝了他的第一台 PC,並認為這是他作為整合顧問職業生涯的基礎。Dave 現居倫敦,幫助大小公司建立「運行良好」的系統。他共同撰寫了《Building Portals with the Java Portlet API》和《Pro Hibernate 3》。